I read were Governor Parkinson traveled to Washington D.C. on Monday and Tuesday to get support for N.B.A.F. and KU Medical Centers Cancer Research Center. Well I noticed that Sen. Tom Holland was pictured in Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins Office in Washington D.C., in that photo. Why would Sen. Holland be at an N.B.A.F. or KU Medical Center Cancer Research Meeting in Washington D.C.? He is not on either Board and/or is not a State Committee Member on those Committee's. Read the article and see the picture showing him at:..
He is the person standing behind Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, over her left shoulder. He is the fourth person form the left standing next to the African American Lady, on his right. She is third from the left on the back row.
Why is this disturbing?
Lets list some reasons.
..1. Senator Tom Holland is not on either Board and/or is not a State Legislature Committee Member on either of these Board/Committee assigments. Read these links:..
..A. N.B.A.F. http://www.nbafinkansas.org/task_force/Members.aspx
..B. To see his Committe Member appointments, go to:..
and click onto his name in the, "Senate Roster", icon window.
..2. He was allowed to travel on the Governors Plane and go to Washington for the N.B.A.F. and KUMC Budget request meetings as a candidate for Governor before the Kansas Legislature Adjournment Sine Die, instead of as a State Senator. Read K.S.A. 25-4153a http://www.kslegislature.org/legsrv-statutes/getStatuteFile.do?number=25-4153a.html
..3. When Senator Holland is out of State, during Legislative session he is a private citizen, not a State Senator. As a candidate for Governor, he is a "Private, John Q Public, Private Citizen". He abused his Senator Title to get influence and exposure for the Governors Race. He was allowed to travel with the Governor and go to N.B.A.F. National Security Meetings in Washington D.C. Illegally as a Private Citizen. That is a major breach in National Security. He had access to the Washington Federal Government Illegally.
..4. I contacted the Kansas City FBI and the Kansas City Secret Service. I also contacted the Kansas Attorney Generals Office. I contacted the Kansas Highway Patrol because they are the Security for the Governor. I asked them all to look at the Flight Log Book and to look at the meeting itinerary. I cannot complain that U.S. Senator Brownback being there as a candidate for Governor. He was there as a N.B.A.F. Board Member, not a candidate for Kansas Governor.
..5. I am also concerned that the Kansas Senate President, Steve Morris was there during Legislative Session. There are a lot of people shown in that picture. Not all of them are N.B.A.F. Board Members. Governor Parkinson joined the N.B.A.F. Board as Lt. Governor. He was the Kansas State Republican Party's Chairman before that. He was their Chairman during 2006. That is the time frame the Federal Elections Commission is investigating for mismanaged Republican State Funds. He is ditching the radar and refusing to serve the citizens. He is currently serving hisself.
..6. I have said all along, why N.B.A.F. is wrong. I am further stating, Senator Holland had no Legal reason to be at those meetings and had no Legal reason to travel with the Governor to Washington.
..7. Also see:..
I hope people read this article and all my other articles and they try to follow an opinion I feel will work towards any problems:..
Do one of these 3 things When you see a problem! "1. Fix it, 2. Expose it, 3. Or Just Leave It Alone"! "Just Don't Make It Worse Within Which Ever Way You Chose To Deal With It".
**Update** March 14TH, 2010. 7:21 PM**
I read this new article and commented on it at the www.cjonline.com website. They removed it to cover for Senator Holland. Here is the link to the article:..
Yea the Tuesday Rally is at the State Capitol. http://www.kshs.org/places/capitol/stories_statehouse.htm
I filed October 8Th 2013 for the 2014 Kansas Governor Election. Thanks for reading up on me and following me. Herbert West III, {R}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014. @HerbertIII at www.twitter.com www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ west.herb@yahoo.com This "FREE" blog posted here as an, "In Kind Contribution", by Campaign Treasurer Herbert West III, for Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014, Herbert West III (R), as an In Kind Contribution.
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.