I am going to work to set up "The Office of Constituent/Discernment Services" instead of the Governors Office of Constituent Services, as it is currently structured. I am displeased that the current Office trends to answer the phone and doesn't offer services to the Constituents that utilize the Office. What would I change?
Here is my opinion of a better structure. I, as the newly elected Governor, I would approach the Kansas Attorney General. I would request we form a Joint Task Office, called "The Office of Constituent/Discernment Services. The desk office would take calls and receive letters from constituents and residents of Kansas.
The first motion would be to decide or give discernment, is the concern/complaint, as presented within the office policy, Civil or Criminal in nature? Then that answer will place each concern/complaint forward to step two.
Step two, is there an Agency, Office, Department etc:.. within the State Offices, Agencies, and Department etc:.. that would have jurisdiction as presented by the concerned constituent party? If yes, that Office, Department, Agency etc:.. would either make contact with the concerned constituent or the constituent would be advised to resubmit by making contact with the announced Office, Department or Agency within the State. That Department, Agency or Office would then work to do what their policy allows and they would then also work on the complaint/concern as presented, and/or its evolution.
If there is not an Office, Agency or Department within the State that can address this constituent concern/complaint as presented the constituent would be notified as to such and would be told, "The State is not saying you do or do not have a valid concern. As you presented, there is not a State Office, Department or Agency that can look into this concern/complaint by their policy/structure. We the State advise if you feel your concern has merit consider utilizing private avenues. Lawyers, Legal Aide, your local Law Enforcement, Social Services etc:..
The constituent who filed the original concern/complaint would receive a better review, as a Kansas Constituent than the current policy of, "Thanks, go away" as I feel it currently functions.
The Attorney General would have equal say so and authority in this Office. Under the aspects of intake and discernment, the Governor and Attorney General would have equal powers. The Office would be structured as such and the initial staff would be advised to such. After the concern/complaint is classified, the power of authority will evolve, accordingly.
I feel this structure will open up many joint avenues to better facilitate Offices, Departments and Agencies within the State to better serve its constituents.
I filed October 8Th 2013 for the 2014 Kansas Governor Election. Thanks for reading up on me and following me. Herbert West III, {R}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014. @HerbertIII at www.twitter.com www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ west.herb@yahoo.com This "FREE" blog posted here as an, "In Kind Contribution", by Campaign Treasurer Herbert West III, for Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014, Herbert West III (R), as an In Kind Contribution.
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
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