I read were Governor Parkinson traveled to Washington D.C. on Monday and Tuesday to get support for N.B.A.F. and KU Medical Centers Cancer Research Center. Well I noticed that Sen. Tom Holland was pictured in Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins Office in Washington D.C., in that photo. Why would Sen. Holland be at an N.B.A.F. or KU Medical Center Cancer Research Meeting in Washington D.C.? He is not on either Board and/or is not a State Committee Member on those Committee's. Read the article and see the picture showing him at:..
He is the person standing behind Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins, over her left shoulder. He is the fourth person form the left standing next to the African American Lady, on his right. She is third from the left on the back row.
Why is this disturbing?
Lets list some reasons.
..1. Senator Tom Holland is not on either Board and/or is not a State Legislature Committee Member on either of these Board/Committee assigments. Read these links:..
..A. N.B.A.F. http://www.nbafinkansas.org/task_force/Members.aspx
..B. To see his Committe Member appointments, go to:..
and click onto his name in the, "Senate Roster", icon window.
..2. He was allowed to travel on the Governors Plane and go to Washington for the N.B.A.F. and KUMC Budget request meetings as a candidate for Governor before the Kansas Legislature Adjournment Sine Die, instead of as a State Senator. Read K.S.A. 25-4153a http://www.kslegislature.org/legsrv-statutes/getStatuteFile.do?number=25-4153a.html
..3. When Senator Holland is out of State, during Legislative session he is a private citizen, not a State Senator. As a candidate for Governor, he is a "Private, John Q Public, Private Citizen". He abused his Senator Title to get influence and exposure for the Governors Race. He was allowed to travel with the Governor and go to N.B.A.F. National Security Meetings in Washington D.C. Illegally as a Private Citizen. That is a major breach in National Security. He had access to the Washington Federal Government Illegally.
..4. I contacted the Kansas City FBI and the Kansas City Secret Service. I also contacted the Kansas Attorney Generals Office. I contacted the Kansas Highway Patrol because they are the Security for the Governor. I asked them all to look at the Flight Log Book and to look at the meeting itinerary. I cannot complain that U.S. Senator Brownback being there as a candidate for Governor. He was there as a N.B.A.F. Board Member, not a candidate for Kansas Governor.
..5. I am also concerned that the Kansas Senate President, Steve Morris was there during Legislative Session. There are a lot of people shown in that picture. Not all of them are N.B.A.F. Board Members. Governor Parkinson joined the N.B.A.F. Board as Lt. Governor. He was the Kansas State Republican Party's Chairman before that. He was their Chairman during 2006. That is the time frame the Federal Elections Commission is investigating for mismanaged Republican State Funds. He is ditching the radar and refusing to serve the citizens. He is currently serving hisself.
..6. I have said all along, why N.B.A.F. is wrong. I am further stating, Senator Holland had no Legal reason to be at those meetings and had no Legal reason to travel with the Governor to Washington.
..7. Also see:..
I hope people read this article and all my other articles and they try to follow an opinion I feel will work towards any problems:..
Do one of these 3 things When you see a problem! "1. Fix it, 2. Expose it, 3. Or Just Leave It Alone"! "Just Don't Make It Worse Within Which Ever Way You Chose To Deal With It".
**Update** March 14TH, 2010. 7:21 PM**
I read this new article and commented on it at the www.cjonline.com website. They removed it to cover for Senator Holland. Here is the link to the article:..
Yea the Tuesday Rally is at the State Capitol. http://www.kshs.org/places/capitol/stories_statehouse.htm
I filed October 8Th 2013 for the 2014 Kansas Governor Election. Thanks for reading up on me and following me. Herbert West III, {R}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014. @HerbertIII at www.twitter.com www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ west.herb@yahoo.com This "FREE" blog posted here as an, "In Kind Contribution", by Campaign Treasurer Herbert West III, for Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014, Herbert West III (R), as an In Kind Contribution.
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
I hope Representative Vickrey is not, the typical Legislator.
I read an article about his views on being a Legislator. It is pretty misleading. I am providing a link to it and ask that you also read my opinion below the article in the link.
The is a reason for the Legislative process.
Thanks as always,
Herbert West 3rd, Democratic
Candidate for Kansas Governor,
803 S. East Street,
Paola Kansas, 66071
The is a reason for the Legislative process.
Thanks as always,
Herbert West 3rd, Democratic
Candidate for Kansas Governor,
803 S. East Street,
Paola Kansas, 66071
United Way, Kills!
What doe's the United Way Kill? They except and distribute bribes covered up as Charity Functions. They take up to 60% of every dollar raised for personal use. Yea, you give them a a dollar and they put 60 cents in their pocket, then they put the other 40 cents in the bucket. Then they bribe cities and other municipalities and get free airtime and are allowed to help the Media and their buddies tax deductions and this helps them declare a "Not-For-Profit Status". They need problems to exists so they can beg for money to fix the problems. The Government needs problems in place to use the United Way to keep a "Not-For-Profit Status" at its municipalities. They also use the United Way to lace their company money across the State line so the State Legislature and local Governments can give the, "Out Of My Jurisdiction Excuse". Example, I lived in the YMCA Dorms in KCK. The facility received a huge Multi Million Dollar H.U.D. Grant to renovate the YMCA and attached it to a huge community project. Then they transferred the funds to the Regional Office of the YMCA in KCMO. Then they stated they, changed the approach and was re-appropriating the HUD Grant for Economic reasons. They had already torn down people homes and businesses with the promise of the "Neighborhood Development HUD Grant". Those people lost the land because they did not rebuild. The YMCA evicted all of us at the KCK Facility and the Missouri Regional Office kept the HUD Grant. Kansas stated, "We don't have Jurisdiction in Missouri sorry". I did some digging, then. The HUD Director, Denise Tomasic was the current District Attorney's Nick Tomisic's niece by marriage. She was also Jerry Jerome Gorman's counsel for his bid to become the D.A. as Nick was retiring. I called for a boycott on his campaign to be elected D.A.. I had been communicating with Tracy Brunner, Melissa Brunner of WIBW13's sister. Tracy was supposed to be investigating my disability being messed up. I had contacted her when I witnessed cops dealing drugs at the closed "Richards Gebaur Air Force Base" in Belton Missouri. Then I found out that Jerry Jerome Gorman was her boss. She works for the Department of Defense in KCK at the Dole Federal Building. I was arrested and served a year on a misdemeanor so Gorman could finish his campaign. To this day the HUD Grant was stolen and illegally laundered. Melissa used to work for the American Cancer Society. I had called them for assistance in fixing my disability income because I have cancer. She told me then, all they provide is stats and brochures. They don't offer any other services. All that money they collect is used to answer a phone, tell sick people and their loved ones NO, tell them about brochures and ask for funds from the sick so they can continue to take up to 75 cents of every dollar collected to get a paycheck to tell the next caller NO! She now works at WIBW13 doing the same crap! Jerry Gorman as the new Wyandotte County D.A. refused to look into the stolen HUD Grant. He did not want to expose his Lawyer, Denise Tomasic. She resigned being the Regional HUD Director right after he made D.D. She now practices financial Law in KCK. The United Way in KCK is ran by Peggy Ball. She is Lamar Hunts Sister. She is married to Chas Ball. He owns Ball's Foods, Worlds of Fun, Price Chopper and Hen House. They sell franchise's to the Grocery Stores, but demand that they supply the food to them. The Hunts and Balls also own Con-Agri. This is how the United Way combined with the NFL. Lamar Hunt founded the American Football League. They started using the United Way to utilize the "Not-For-Profit Status", benefits. In all of this the Mormon Church, through the YMCA, combines with the United Way. The Mormon Church is not recognized as a Religion. Is is classified as an Occult. They need a way to shelter their funds. They cannot declare "Separation of Church and State". They are not a recognized religion. The United Way and those listed above with Sen Steineger facilitated the Unified Government in Wyandotte County. They also facilitated combining their Municipal Bonds and moving those combined bonds out of State. This removes Legislative Jurisdiction to retrieve these bonds if needed. see:..
I see where Mayor Bunten is a United Way and Topeka Chamber of Commerce Bigwig and refuses to honor the wishes of the Topeka resident if it conflicts with his United Way and Commerce buddies. I also see where Jim Ogle of WIBW13 doe's the same. In this the United Way needs reasons or problems to function. Thus we get screwed! Soldiers get Killed! On that subject, lets review WIBW13 and Stephanie Ramos. She brags about her 100 metals and her dedicated experience in Iraq and her blessed stay in Liberty City. The station dedicated a whole half of an hour to her and displayed her recruiter film she developed while in Iraq. Not one soldier who lost a leg or two, an arm or two, an eye or both, a lung, was burned, is paralyzed, lost their house, their wife, their job, their benefits was never allowed or profiled on the WIBW13 segments. Just Stephanie. I don't feel anyone needs to loose a body part to be a HERO. I just don't feel we should support a person who was guaranteed safety in a WAR zone so they can film a recruiter film based on lies. People deserve to be recognized for the loses that they endured. The reason that WIBW13 refused these HERO's airtime, is that it shows the truth and the citizens of Kansas and America will demand that the WAR end. That removes a lot of Government Laundering from the Tyranny Table. Also, these soldiers were stationed in the other States in America before being forced here Illegally. They don't want the other States being mentioned and they don't want a voice returned to those States in behalf of those fallen/injured soldiers. Look at K.S.A. 48-203.
I see too many people being allowed a different set of rules that jeopardize and take the very lives of our American Hero's. Not one maneuver of, Cutting Through The RED Tape, Under The Auspice Of War" has benefited one soldier. It has only benefited the tyrants, our elected and their cohorts, the United Way!
Regardless of the Election, please don't wait until November 2010, to look into saving soldiers and stopping corruption. We owe these men and women Hero's our 100% gratitude for securing our Democracy. They deserve to have a home to come back to. Not just a piece of land they left, that is probably someone else's by now!
I see where Mayor Bunten is a United Way and Topeka Chamber of Commerce Bigwig and refuses to honor the wishes of the Topeka resident if it conflicts with his United Way and Commerce buddies. I also see where Jim Ogle of WIBW13 doe's the same. In this the United Way needs reasons or problems to function. Thus we get screwed! Soldiers get Killed! On that subject, lets review WIBW13 and Stephanie Ramos. She brags about her 100 metals and her dedicated experience in Iraq and her blessed stay in Liberty City. The station dedicated a whole half of an hour to her and displayed her recruiter film she developed while in Iraq. Not one soldier who lost a leg or two, an arm or two, an eye or both, a lung, was burned, is paralyzed, lost their house, their wife, their job, their benefits was never allowed or profiled on the WIBW13 segments. Just Stephanie. I don't feel anyone needs to loose a body part to be a HERO. I just don't feel we should support a person who was guaranteed safety in a WAR zone so they can film a recruiter film based on lies. People deserve to be recognized for the loses that they endured. The reason that WIBW13 refused these HERO's airtime, is that it shows the truth and the citizens of Kansas and America will demand that the WAR end. That removes a lot of Government Laundering from the Tyranny Table. Also, these soldiers were stationed in the other States in America before being forced here Illegally. They don't want the other States being mentioned and they don't want a voice returned to those States in behalf of those fallen/injured soldiers. Look at K.S.A. 48-203.
I see too many people being allowed a different set of rules that jeopardize and take the very lives of our American Hero's. Not one maneuver of, Cutting Through The RED Tape, Under The Auspice Of War" has benefited one soldier. It has only benefited the tyrants, our elected and their cohorts, the United Way!
Regardless of the Election, please don't wait until November 2010, to look into saving soldiers and stopping corruption. We owe these men and women Hero's our 100% gratitude for securing our Democracy. They deserve to have a home to come back to. Not just a piece of land they left, that is probably someone else's by now!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Office Change, when elected Governor.
I am going to work to set up "The Office of Constituent/Discernment Services" instead of the Governors Office of Constituent Services, as it is currently structured. I am displeased that the current Office trends to answer the phone and doesn't offer services to the Constituents that utilize the Office. What would I change?
Here is my opinion of a better structure. I, as the newly elected Governor, I would approach the Kansas Attorney General. I would request we form a Joint Task Office, called "The Office of Constituent/Discernment Services. The desk office would take calls and receive letters from constituents and residents of Kansas.
The first motion would be to decide or give discernment, is the concern/complaint, as presented within the office policy, Civil or Criminal in nature? Then that answer will place each concern/complaint forward to step two.
Step two, is there an Agency, Office, Department etc:.. within the State Offices, Agencies, and Department etc:.. that would have jurisdiction as presented by the concerned constituent party? If yes, that Office, Department, Agency etc:.. would either make contact with the concerned constituent or the constituent would be advised to resubmit by making contact with the announced Office, Department or Agency within the State. That Department, Agency or Office would then work to do what their policy allows and they would then also work on the complaint/concern as presented, and/or its evolution.
If there is not an Office, Agency or Department within the State that can address this constituent concern/complaint as presented the constituent would be notified as to such and would be told, "The State is not saying you do or do not have a valid concern. As you presented, there is not a State Office, Department or Agency that can look into this concern/complaint by their policy/structure. We the State advise if you feel your concern has merit consider utilizing private avenues. Lawyers, Legal Aide, your local Law Enforcement, Social Services etc:..
The constituent who filed the original concern/complaint would receive a better review, as a Kansas Constituent than the current policy of, "Thanks, go away" as I feel it currently functions.
The Attorney General would have equal say so and authority in this Office. Under the aspects of intake and discernment, the Governor and Attorney General would have equal powers. The Office would be structured as such and the initial staff would be advised to such. After the concern/complaint is classified, the power of authority will evolve, accordingly.
I feel this structure will open up many joint avenues to better facilitate Offices, Departments and Agencies within the State to better serve its constituents.
Here is my opinion of a better structure. I, as the newly elected Governor, I would approach the Kansas Attorney General. I would request we form a Joint Task Office, called "The Office of Constituent/Discernment Services. The desk office would take calls and receive letters from constituents and residents of Kansas.
The first motion would be to decide or give discernment, is the concern/complaint, as presented within the office policy, Civil or Criminal in nature? Then that answer will place each concern/complaint forward to step two.
Step two, is there an Agency, Office, Department etc:.. within the State Offices, Agencies, and Department etc:.. that would have jurisdiction as presented by the concerned constituent party? If yes, that Office, Department, Agency etc:.. would either make contact with the concerned constituent or the constituent would be advised to resubmit by making contact with the announced Office, Department or Agency within the State. That Department, Agency or Office would then work to do what their policy allows and they would then also work on the complaint/concern as presented, and/or its evolution.
If there is not an Office, Agency or Department within the State that can address this constituent concern/complaint as presented the constituent would be notified as to such and would be told, "The State is not saying you do or do not have a valid concern. As you presented, there is not a State Office, Department or Agency that can look into this concern/complaint by their policy/structure. We the State advise if you feel your concern has merit consider utilizing private avenues. Lawyers, Legal Aide, your local Law Enforcement, Social Services etc:..
The constituent who filed the original concern/complaint would receive a better review, as a Kansas Constituent than the current policy of, "Thanks, go away" as I feel it currently functions.
The Attorney General would have equal say so and authority in this Office. Under the aspects of intake and discernment, the Governor and Attorney General would have equal powers. The Office would be structured as such and the initial staff would be advised to such. After the concern/complaint is classified, the power of authority will evolve, accordingly.
I feel this structure will open up many joint avenues to better facilitate Offices, Departments and Agencies within the State to better serve its constituents.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Martin Luther King and his beliefs are, "TOKEN"?
Lets reflect. I post that U.S. Senator Brownback is a "BIGOT" for acknowledging slavery, but states it in a way that it is "No harm no foul". Ric Anderson blocks my ability to write blogs at www.cjonline.com for stating, "Brownback is a bigot". I then prove and show where Ric has blocked my run for Governor for a year showing his support for Brownback using a paper Brownbacks family used to own. I had stated, "The Latino Affairs and African Affairs Offices are discriminatory. They are financed by all our taxes yet only a few benefit from those taxes. There is a Office, The Kansas Human Rights Commission, that is over all tax payer funded and does not discriminate by only helping isolated ethnic background people. I stated this Office should remain open and the others should be closed and the requests forwarded to the K.H.R.C. Office". Shala Perez, the newly appointed Director of the Latino and Hispanic Affairs Office, doesn't even know what her job is, per herself!! Tim and Ric chose this weekend to lie about what I said. They chose the Martin Luther King Holiday weekend to lie, and to use the time frame because people will refuse to look at issues as a celebration of tolerance. They feel people will demand I stay tolerant and passive to the breach of my human rights. They are abusing the Legacy and Vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr..
They don't expect me to complain through these days. They expect me to wait until people decide to look at bigotry again. My landlord called me a, "Spic. He further stated, Your Baptist not Catholic. Your a Democrat not a Republican, your evicted"! I filed with the K.H.R.C. and Case Number H1362-10 is still active. My landlords son and daughter in Law work for the Government and are involved in N.B.A.F.. The Bank illegally canceled my bank account in retaliation and was added to the original complaint as well as a complaint investigation was excepted by the Office of the Kansas State Banking Commissioner. Deputy Commissioner Judi Stork was very sincere and took the time to personally hear my concerns and activated a investigation into the bank after I filed with her. The banks President is in the Knights of Columbus with my landlord and they attend the same Catholic Church. They are also Republicans. As a reminder, Commissioner Biggs has decided to run for Secretary of State as a Democrat. That pissed off Kobach, a Republican who is with the U.M.K.C. School of Law. Brownbacks crony's decided to block any and all Democrats and show displeasure in my filing a complaint for discrimination. My landlords daughter in law, works for U.M.K.C. in the same Law Department as Kobach. Her and Richard, my landlords son, are heavy in Johnson County Republican County politics.
I only ask that people read my comments and clarifications on what was said, not just what they twisted and lied about. Look at how they have treated, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a "TOKEN".
Brownback cares during elections, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!! Look at all my posts here since 2005. I have cared and demanded human rights non-stop since 2005. I have only been a candidate since June 2009. I gave 4 years of my life for free dedicated to exposing the negativity and corruption in the world. Please consider that. I also have not "Flip Flopped" my views. I have stood my ground on my beliefs and views.
This post is in response to,
"To use someone who has died and to refuse to listen to what they said while they was alive, is to have partaked in their death"! I refuse to let him die! You???
They don't expect me to complain through these days. They expect me to wait until people decide to look at bigotry again. My landlord called me a, "Spic. He further stated, Your Baptist not Catholic. Your a Democrat not a Republican, your evicted"! I filed with the K.H.R.C. and Case Number H1362-10 is still active. My landlords son and daughter in Law work for the Government and are involved in N.B.A.F.. The Bank illegally canceled my bank account in retaliation and was added to the original complaint as well as a complaint investigation was excepted by the Office of the Kansas State Banking Commissioner. Deputy Commissioner Judi Stork was very sincere and took the time to personally hear my concerns and activated a investigation into the bank after I filed with her. The banks President is in the Knights of Columbus with my landlord and they attend the same Catholic Church. They are also Republicans. As a reminder, Commissioner Biggs has decided to run for Secretary of State as a Democrat. That pissed off Kobach, a Republican who is with the U.M.K.C. School of Law. Brownbacks crony's decided to block any and all Democrats and show displeasure in my filing a complaint for discrimination. My landlords daughter in law, works for U.M.K.C. in the same Law Department as Kobach. Her and Richard, my landlords son, are heavy in Johnson County Republican County politics.
I only ask that people read my comments and clarifications on what was said, not just what they twisted and lied about. Look at how they have treated, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as a "TOKEN".
Brownback cares during elections, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!! Look at all my posts here since 2005. I have cared and demanded human rights non-stop since 2005. I have only been a candidate since June 2009. I gave 4 years of my life for free dedicated to exposing the negativity and corruption in the world. Please consider that. I also have not "Flip Flopped" my views. I have stood my ground on my beliefs and views.
This post is in response to,
"To use someone who has died and to refuse to listen to what they said while they was alive, is to have partaked in their death"! I refuse to let him die! You???
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Ric Anderson and Tim Carpenter are lying trolls.
I wasted 2 hours of my day on Thursday so Tim Carpenter could alter and lie about what I said. He only gave partial answers to what I stated. He is a fucking troll. Ric Anderson wants to pamper his pathetic little fucking life. They both have their head buried up Brownback's ass!!!! The citizens of Topeka thus far, enjoy getting fucked in the ass. Sodomy is illegal in Kansas, unless you are in line in front of the Government, bent over and willing. That is the sad part. You enjoy getting fucked in the ass. They print a small portion of what I was asked and what I stated. Sebelius, Parkinson and Bunting over fill Kansas with soldiers and then ship them to Iraq. This is a Felony!! Kansas filled up to many soldiers here and that made them expendable. They gave their lives for assholes like you. Look at K.S.A. 48-203.
Go here and then type in 48-203 in the statute number window.
Every day I see people complain about corruption. I see people struggling to survive. And I see these same people, bow and suck ass with the Terrorist known as the Media!!! How many soldiers will die before you feel like somebody???? They are probably curious, they are the ones being killed for your sorry ass!!!!
Go here and then type in 48-203 in the statute number window.
Every day I see people complain about corruption. I see people struggling to survive. And I see these same people, bow and suck ass with the Terrorist known as the Media!!! How many soldiers will die before you feel like somebody???? They are probably curious, they are the ones being killed for your sorry ass!!!!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
January 11TH 2010, Kansas State of the State, Candidate Response.
I am reserving this post area for the, January 11Th 2010, Kansas, "State of the State Address", that Governor Mark Parkinson will be giving at 7P.M. on Jan 11Th, 2010. I will write a response after I watch the "State of the State".
It is 6:43 PM on Monday, January 11TH 2010, and I am geared to watch the "State of the State Address" that will be given by Governor Parkinson. A few things I question before he speaks.
1. What happened to the K.N.I. decision?
2. When does the public get a say so on N.B.A.F. and its funding?
3. How will he uphold the States Constitution on Public Education?
4. Will he address the Legislature in a way that gives the residents of Kansas a say so in the State? So far, they seem to demand we except their views and withhold our own.
Again, I will be watching and posting my, "Candidates Response", here tonight.
Looks like Jennifer Schmidt and Tim Brown have started speaking. I am not fond of Tim Brown. Jennifer seems sincere and fair. He reflected upon the past Governors before him. He finally speaks of the Kansas people after all this time. He speaks of a recession he helped cause. N.B.A.F. and personal agenda's are in his vision. Wind Energy instead of education is in his vision. He wants to strengthen Universities but he wants to choke off public schools. The animal corridor is only 5% of the States resource in comparison to the 89% agriculture resource. He seems to be showing what he wants us to walk away from in mentioning public schools. In speaking of our founders and our past he can block current opinions and can refuse to address our present situation. Taxing select groups instead of over all Kansans is not wise. If we do this, or allow this, we are all vulnerable in tax increases. He says he is open minded but he only refers to the 165 in the Kansas Legislature. He refuses to address the Kansas residents and he says he supports us. He wants a state wide public smoking ban. Again, he wants to increase taxes on something he will cancel. Increase sales tax and then ban the sale of the item. He is double talking. He asks that the state adopt the Vratil/Kelly reserve fund. He wants the Legislature to save money when we have it. He is asking the Legislature to stop stealing, get a reserve fund set up, save into it and then spend it as they wish later. Sounds like the current crap they call politics. Once the devices are made for clean energy and they run out of the need for the equipment, what will these people do for a living then? Temp work based on lies is what it is, lies. He lies to get N.B.A.F. and then throws it into Texas Governor Perry's face. He talks of rewards from helping the elderly. Remember he received $30,000,000.00 from this reward:..
*****Updated January 28TH, 2010 12:06 am******
*******Return to original post********
Also, consider a problem with N.B.A.F. and consider that it wipes out 89% of our state resource. It wipes out 5% of the animal resource revenue.
The Republican Response.
They keep speaking of the past and touching on the notion that we need them when the chips are down. Consider that they refuse to acknowledge they cause a lot of the stress and short falls we endure. They speak of unemployment. Kansas Businesses only serve 6% of the resource income to Kansas. Jobs are important, but they are not number one. They Legislature only speak to the population and squeeze on stress's in our lives. they ride the common thread they caused to falsely justify stealing more. You and I have lived hear for years. Why is this the first time, over the last 12 recent months, we have heard about the recession? I don't remember Lynn Jenkins stating all these lies. I remember her stating, "The state of Kansas has a balanced budget". She said this in Nov 2008 and inaugurated in Jan 2009 and then 2 weeks later, we are set to be $1 billion in debt. $1 billion in 2 weeks. Damn!! What to look at though, the Republican response is also the Democratic response. It is a bi-partisan us instead of them response. On education, I have been told the state has a constitutional responsibility under court order to meet a minimum budget for public schools. They have known this since 2006 and have not budgeted the budget to meet this. I am also curious why the pre-recorded Republican response is identical to the Governors State of the State.
Jennifer Schmidt follow up. Style was scene, but substance was lacking. They spoke of taxing a few and not wanting to upset the whole. Tim Brown, oh boy. He could not find a Legislature to speak with. He found a reporter and dodged Legislatures. Tim Brown used our state of the state follow up time to save face and promote his show. Personal agenda defined and exposed. Jennifer covered issues and did not pump up her show or abuse our time with her shows views. She actually asked questions that pertained to issues and public concerns. To bad she was stuck with Tim Brown, it is a typical, "night and day", interviewer approach to expression on topics in our lives. Tim finally asks a Legislature their view. Senate President Morris basically speaks or repeats the Governors speech. Jennifer gets a view from the medical world. He spoke of the medicaid cuts. He spoke of the smoking ban. He spoke of a watered down smoking ban. He showed or stated that the current smoking bans have to many loop holes. He stated, he feels this is probably the year that a state wide smoking ban will happen. Tim Brown then gets a KU review or response. They keep stating the Governor is not running for re-election. I again, saw he just repeated, "look at the past, up the future, I am leaving soon". Jennifer seems to have a personal opinion and expressed them. Tim Brown, expressed or repeated others views. That is typical of a bought reporter.
Lets look at my questions.
1. K.N.I.? Not a peep!
2. No public say so in N.B.A.F.. It is up and going, up ours.
3. He did not give confidence or resolve to the constitutional aspects on public school budget. House Speaker O'Neil, expressed, "Expect cuts do to mismanagement of the states budget".
4. Governor Parkinson kept stating, "You 165". "Not the 2,688,418 that are loosing the battle".
I am glad I placed question on here before the address. It showed some of my areas of concern. It also showed the Governors disregard for our views and opinions. It also showed an applauded response form his fellow 165. Please remember that in Nov 2010 when we have a chance to remove the House of Representatives in the General Election.
I will sign off for now. I will keep everyone posted, the best I can. I am still available, west.herb@yahoo.com 1-913-294-9375 http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com
**January 12TH, 2010, follow up.**
I will elaborate on my feelings with facts and views based on these facts. Lets look at some references first. Look at the, Kansas Department of Agriculture, webpage.
It shows the resources that Kansas has from Agriculture. It states, "Agriculture and agribusiness contribute to the total economy of Kansas, both directly and indirectly. One in five Kansans, rural and urban, work in jobs related to agriculture and food production.
Also read, {it is slow to open},
Also see,
Why are these sites and stats important? Kansas farmers and ranchers comprise 89% of the States resources. 89%!!! I keep hearing where the State pushes for jobs to save the State. Only 11% of the States resources come from, Manufacturing, Local Small Business and Industry. This bring me to N.B.A.F., The National Biological Agriculture Facility. I see many problems with this facility. Lets break it down.
1. Transportation.
How will they transport the "Bio Substances" into Manhattan for evaluation and research? They will have to travel through the rest Kansas to get to Manhattan. Their are 3 modes of transportation. Planes, Trains and Automobiles. All 3 crash or are in accidents everyday. Imagine a plane, train or automobile crash in your backyard that is en route to Manhattan with the worlds deadliest Bio substances. The probability that this crash will destroy our major resource in Kansas is as probable as a plane, train or automobile crash happening in your city today, as we speak.
2. Facility Safety.
This facility requires $1 billion dollars to make it secure enough to hold, contain and evaluate these Bios. The facility has to meet extremely intense codes and safety measures. Where are these safety measures being put in place in your backyard to transport the Bios to the facility through you town?
3. What does a Bio Weapon do?
It destroys crops and the soil. It manipulates the crops and land to destroy itself. It removes the food source and land acreage from the area it is released. In WAR, it would be used to destroy our enemies crops and contaminate their land which reduces the battle field. The Bio substances are designed so that they contaminate the crops and the land and manipulate its genetic structure so it spreads and destroys neighboring land and crops. It uses its self against its self. The kicker, it cannot be reversed. Look at the Agent Orange used in Vietnam. Our Vets are still dying from its use. Korea/Vietnam has land that is still so contaminated it can never be used again. Japan still has Hiroshima fall out issues. Imagine that these substances contaminate 89% of the resource of Kansas. Damn!! 89% of our resources is $3.8 billion dollars. 3,800 million dollars a year, lost and contaminated. When this area gets contaminated enough to destroy crops and land permanently, it can not even be used for the other 11% uses. It will be a 100% loss.
4. Look at Treece Kansas.
5. How is our agriculture safe today?
Farmers and ranchers! They rotate crops, follow strict rules that they wrote and have worked since, 1830. Since 1830!!! This is 2010. That is 180 years and the only hazards they have endured is, floods, drought, hail, ice and locust. Now they have to deal with greedy dumb ass politicians who could care less about our State. The State of Kansas ranks in the upper teens when it comes to agriculture production for National use. I demand the politicians stop lying to us and they stop endangering our major resource. U.S. Senator Sam Brownback pushed for this facility. He pushed to endanger the entire State of Kansas. Its, land, people, crops, cattle and very lives. Look at the ammonia leaks that happened in Greensburgh after the Tornado there.
Ammonia is used to contain hazards and to destroy them when a compromise happens. Where is the Ammonia stock pile along the transportation routes, that will be in your backyard? How can they use Ammonia in the air if a plane develops a leak on board? It is a severe Hazard risk to try to contain Ammonia by itself.
Basically I don't see where the benefits out weight the risk for this N.B.A.F. Facility. It is strictly personal agenda, money laundering crap. I don't want the entire state of Kansas to become one big Treece. Do you? All it will take is to change the entire House of Representatives this election. When you elect me Governor, I will do what I can to stop N.B.A.F.. I will demand the $375,000,000.00 they all ready stole, be returned to our tax base.
I received a comment from a person and when I applied it it overlaid onto my article. So if jimfosdick would like, you can send the comment on another post and I will set up a link to that posts/articles page. Sorry for the inconvenience. It was a very sincere well thought out comment with a lot of suggestions on how to fix the education budget.
State wide Smoking Ban.
Lets reflect on Governor Parkinson's request and statement. "75% of Kansans what a state wide smoking ban, please Legislature, give it to them". OK, lets crunch numbers. If the state population is 2,688,418 and 25% of that populous is under 18, which it is, then 75% of the rest don't smoke. The other 25% do. They smoke a pack a day at .75 cents in sales tax. OK, 2,016,313.50 residents are above 18. If 25% of them don't want a state wide smoking ban, because they smoke, and they spend the .75 cents a day in taxes that would generate how much a day in sales tax? 25% of 2,016,313.50 is 504,078.37 residents who smoke or don't want a ban. Take that times .75 cents in sales tax. That generates $378,058.77 a day in state sales tax. That is $2,646,411.30 a week in sales tax. 10 weeks would be $26,464,113.00. That times 5 for 50 weeks. Then add on the 2 left over weeks, $592,822.60. That would be, $265,233,952.60 a year in lost state sales tax. If take that to the $1.34 a pack, that would generate, another half average. $132,616,976.30 in addition state sales tax. That would be an average yearly total of, $397,850,928.90. Damn!!!
For the record. I figured the above figures on a .50 cent state sale tax increase that would total $1.25. It will show Legislature what $1.25 in sales tax can do and still function to deter smoking. Lets look at:..
A major increase all at once will backfire. The Kansas populous will cross the State line and buy the cigarettes there instead. Kansas is already higher than its neighboring states. Colorado charges, $0.84, Nebraska charges, $0.64, and Missouri charges, $0.17 in State sales tax. With regards to revenue, these are things to consider. Also consider, people will either move out of the State or travel and bring the cigarettes home when it gets to expensive here. That doesn't solve the problem. Also, Kansas Legislatures do not Legislate in those 4 states. They Legislate here only. They don't control the sales tax in those states.
**Update** January 13TH 2010, 1:04 am.
The Democratic party seems eager to preserve the current corruption and disregard for "ALL" us Kansans. Please read some more links.
1. http://www.nbafinkansas.org/task_force/biographies/JDocking.aspx
Then click on the Home link on the left after reading her bio as well as clicking onto the other icons on the left. I don't remember all these "PUBLIC INPUT" meetings. I don't remember Lynn Jenkins as State Treasurer mentioning she was a board member during the 2008 election.
2. http://cjonline.com/interact/blog/ric_anderson/2010-01-12/dem_says_gov_candidate_coming_soon
**Update** January 13TH, 2010 6:50 PM.
Please look at the links I placed in the comment section at,
Also read,
**Governor Parkinson's State of the State speech***
**Update** January 27TH, 2010. 4:55 PM.
K.N.I. to remain open. Read:..
Read the comment section also. I had commented on K.N.I. all along. Also read:..
I have always felt and stated, before they deleted it. The Kansas Farmer/Rancher are the number one resource in Kansas. Their Fore Fathers are our Fore Fathers. They grew crops before the land became a territory. Then the territory became a State. The State of Kansas. There has never been an epidemic or food recall coming out of Kansas. I don't feel N.B.A.F. is safe for our number one resource. I feel N.B.A.F. jeopardizes our safety and our resource. Why??? Transportation!!! Imagine transporting the worst Bio Hazard across any area in Kansas to get to Manhattan to place it in the worlds most secure and strict standard facility. How do they plan on transporting these Bio's safely?? They have not figured that in.
Lets compare a situation. A serial killer is in a Detention Center waiting to be transferred to Eldorado or Larned into their Maximum Facility Units. The state feels the Detention Center can just let the Serial Killer transport themselves or use any schmo to transport them. En route, they escape and kill a bunch of people. No biggy to the State. The Coal Plant was canceled because they change one item for it. Yet N.B.A.F. remains on pace with constant changes and disregards to our safety. Have you ever heard of a Plane, Train or Automobile that is a Level 4 transport vehicle? What if these vehicles crash and expose these agents into our number one resource? We loose our number one resource and we loose our very lives. Do you want quarantined and destroyed so the personal agenda asses can profit at your expense??? I do not!!!!
It is 6:43 PM on Monday, January 11TH 2010, and I am geared to watch the "State of the State Address" that will be given by Governor Parkinson. A few things I question before he speaks.
1. What happened to the K.N.I. decision?
2. When does the public get a say so on N.B.A.F. and its funding?
3. How will he uphold the States Constitution on Public Education?
4. Will he address the Legislature in a way that gives the residents of Kansas a say so in the State? So far, they seem to demand we except their views and withhold our own.
Again, I will be watching and posting my, "Candidates Response", here tonight.
Looks like Jennifer Schmidt and Tim Brown have started speaking. I am not fond of Tim Brown. Jennifer seems sincere and fair. He reflected upon the past Governors before him. He finally speaks of the Kansas people after all this time. He speaks of a recession he helped cause. N.B.A.F. and personal agenda's are in his vision. Wind Energy instead of education is in his vision. He wants to strengthen Universities but he wants to choke off public schools. The animal corridor is only 5% of the States resource in comparison to the 89% agriculture resource. He seems to be showing what he wants us to walk away from in mentioning public schools. In speaking of our founders and our past he can block current opinions and can refuse to address our present situation. Taxing select groups instead of over all Kansans is not wise. If we do this, or allow this, we are all vulnerable in tax increases. He says he is open minded but he only refers to the 165 in the Kansas Legislature. He refuses to address the Kansas residents and he says he supports us. He wants a state wide public smoking ban. Again, he wants to increase taxes on something he will cancel. Increase sales tax and then ban the sale of the item. He is double talking. He asks that the state adopt the Vratil/Kelly reserve fund. He wants the Legislature to save money when we have it. He is asking the Legislature to stop stealing, get a reserve fund set up, save into it and then spend it as they wish later. Sounds like the current crap they call politics. Once the devices are made for clean energy and they run out of the need for the equipment, what will these people do for a living then? Temp work based on lies is what it is, lies. He lies to get N.B.A.F. and then throws it into Texas Governor Perry's face. He talks of rewards from helping the elderly. Remember he received $30,000,000.00 from this reward:..
*****Updated January 28TH, 2010 12:06 am******
*******Return to original post********
Also, consider a problem with N.B.A.F. and consider that it wipes out 89% of our state resource. It wipes out 5% of the animal resource revenue.
The Republican Response.
They keep speaking of the past and touching on the notion that we need them when the chips are down. Consider that they refuse to acknowledge they cause a lot of the stress and short falls we endure. They speak of unemployment. Kansas Businesses only serve 6% of the resource income to Kansas. Jobs are important, but they are not number one. They Legislature only speak to the population and squeeze on stress's in our lives. they ride the common thread they caused to falsely justify stealing more. You and I have lived hear for years. Why is this the first time, over the last 12 recent months, we have heard about the recession? I don't remember Lynn Jenkins stating all these lies. I remember her stating, "The state of Kansas has a balanced budget". She said this in Nov 2008 and inaugurated in Jan 2009 and then 2 weeks later, we are set to be $1 billion in debt. $1 billion in 2 weeks. Damn!! What to look at though, the Republican response is also the Democratic response. It is a bi-partisan us instead of them response. On education, I have been told the state has a constitutional responsibility under court order to meet a minimum budget for public schools. They have known this since 2006 and have not budgeted the budget to meet this. I am also curious why the pre-recorded Republican response is identical to the Governors State of the State.
Jennifer Schmidt follow up. Style was scene, but substance was lacking. They spoke of taxing a few and not wanting to upset the whole. Tim Brown, oh boy. He could not find a Legislature to speak with. He found a reporter and dodged Legislatures. Tim Brown used our state of the state follow up time to save face and promote his show. Personal agenda defined and exposed. Jennifer covered issues and did not pump up her show or abuse our time with her shows views. She actually asked questions that pertained to issues and public concerns. To bad she was stuck with Tim Brown, it is a typical, "night and day", interviewer approach to expression on topics in our lives. Tim finally asks a Legislature their view. Senate President Morris basically speaks or repeats the Governors speech. Jennifer gets a view from the medical world. He spoke of the medicaid cuts. He spoke of the smoking ban. He spoke of a watered down smoking ban. He showed or stated that the current smoking bans have to many loop holes. He stated, he feels this is probably the year that a state wide smoking ban will happen. Tim Brown then gets a KU review or response. They keep stating the Governor is not running for re-election. I again, saw he just repeated, "look at the past, up the future, I am leaving soon". Jennifer seems to have a personal opinion and expressed them. Tim Brown, expressed or repeated others views. That is typical of a bought reporter.
Lets look at my questions.
1. K.N.I.? Not a peep!
2. No public say so in N.B.A.F.. It is up and going, up ours.
3. He did not give confidence or resolve to the constitutional aspects on public school budget. House Speaker O'Neil, expressed, "Expect cuts do to mismanagement of the states budget".
4. Governor Parkinson kept stating, "You 165". "Not the 2,688,418 that are loosing the battle".
I am glad I placed question on here before the address. It showed some of my areas of concern. It also showed the Governors disregard for our views and opinions. It also showed an applauded response form his fellow 165. Please remember that in Nov 2010 when we have a chance to remove the House of Representatives in the General Election.
I will sign off for now. I will keep everyone posted, the best I can. I am still available, west.herb@yahoo.com 1-913-294-9375 http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com
**January 12TH, 2010, follow up.**
I will elaborate on my feelings with facts and views based on these facts. Lets look at some references first. Look at the, Kansas Department of Agriculture, webpage.
It shows the resources that Kansas has from Agriculture. It states, "Agriculture and agribusiness contribute to the total economy of Kansas, both directly and indirectly. One in five Kansans, rural and urban, work in jobs related to agriculture and food production.
Also read, {it is slow to open},
Also see,
Why are these sites and stats important? Kansas farmers and ranchers comprise 89% of the States resources. 89%!!! I keep hearing where the State pushes for jobs to save the State. Only 11% of the States resources come from, Manufacturing, Local Small Business and Industry. This bring me to N.B.A.F., The National Biological Agriculture Facility. I see many problems with this facility. Lets break it down.
1. Transportation.
How will they transport the "Bio Substances" into Manhattan for evaluation and research? They will have to travel through the rest Kansas to get to Manhattan. Their are 3 modes of transportation. Planes, Trains and Automobiles. All 3 crash or are in accidents everyday. Imagine a plane, train or automobile crash in your backyard that is en route to Manhattan with the worlds deadliest Bio substances. The probability that this crash will destroy our major resource in Kansas is as probable as a plane, train or automobile crash happening in your city today, as we speak.
2. Facility Safety.
This facility requires $1 billion dollars to make it secure enough to hold, contain and evaluate these Bios. The facility has to meet extremely intense codes and safety measures. Where are these safety measures being put in place in your backyard to transport the Bios to the facility through you town?
3. What does a Bio Weapon do?
It destroys crops and the soil. It manipulates the crops and land to destroy itself. It removes the food source and land acreage from the area it is released. In WAR, it would be used to destroy our enemies crops and contaminate their land which reduces the battle field. The Bio substances are designed so that they contaminate the crops and the land and manipulate its genetic structure so it spreads and destroys neighboring land and crops. It uses its self against its self. The kicker, it cannot be reversed. Look at the Agent Orange used in Vietnam. Our Vets are still dying from its use. Korea/Vietnam has land that is still so contaminated it can never be used again. Japan still has Hiroshima fall out issues. Imagine that these substances contaminate 89% of the resource of Kansas. Damn!! 89% of our resources is $3.8 billion dollars. 3,800 million dollars a year, lost and contaminated. When this area gets contaminated enough to destroy crops and land permanently, it can not even be used for the other 11% uses. It will be a 100% loss.
4. Look at Treece Kansas.
5. How is our agriculture safe today?
Farmers and ranchers! They rotate crops, follow strict rules that they wrote and have worked since, 1830. Since 1830!!! This is 2010. That is 180 years and the only hazards they have endured is, floods, drought, hail, ice and locust. Now they have to deal with greedy dumb ass politicians who could care less about our State. The State of Kansas ranks in the upper teens when it comes to agriculture production for National use. I demand the politicians stop lying to us and they stop endangering our major resource. U.S. Senator Sam Brownback pushed for this facility. He pushed to endanger the entire State of Kansas. Its, land, people, crops, cattle and very lives. Look at the ammonia leaks that happened in Greensburgh after the Tornado there.
Ammonia is used to contain hazards and to destroy them when a compromise happens. Where is the Ammonia stock pile along the transportation routes, that will be in your backyard? How can they use Ammonia in the air if a plane develops a leak on board? It is a severe Hazard risk to try to contain Ammonia by itself.
Basically I don't see where the benefits out weight the risk for this N.B.A.F. Facility. It is strictly personal agenda, money laundering crap. I don't want the entire state of Kansas to become one big Treece. Do you? All it will take is to change the entire House of Representatives this election. When you elect me Governor, I will do what I can to stop N.B.A.F.. I will demand the $375,000,000.00 they all ready stole, be returned to our tax base.
I received a comment from a person and when I applied it it overlaid onto my article. So if jimfosdick would like, you can send the comment on another post and I will set up a link to that posts/articles page. Sorry for the inconvenience. It was a very sincere well thought out comment with a lot of suggestions on how to fix the education budget.
State wide Smoking Ban.
Lets reflect on Governor Parkinson's request and statement. "75% of Kansans what a state wide smoking ban, please Legislature, give it to them". OK, lets crunch numbers. If the state population is 2,688,418 and 25% of that populous is under 18, which it is, then 75% of the rest don't smoke. The other 25% do. They smoke a pack a day at .75 cents in sales tax. OK, 2,016,313.50 residents are above 18. If 25% of them don't want a state wide smoking ban, because they smoke, and they spend the .75 cents a day in taxes that would generate how much a day in sales tax? 25% of 2,016,313.50 is 504,078.37 residents who smoke or don't want a ban. Take that times .75 cents in sales tax. That generates $378,058.77 a day in state sales tax. That is $2,646,411.30 a week in sales tax. 10 weeks would be $26,464,113.00. That times 5 for 50 weeks. Then add on the 2 left over weeks, $592,822.60. That would be, $265,233,952.60 a year in lost state sales tax. If take that to the $1.34 a pack, that would generate, another half average. $132,616,976.30 in addition state sales tax. That would be an average yearly total of, $397,850,928.90. Damn!!!
For the record. I figured the above figures on a .50 cent state sale tax increase that would total $1.25. It will show Legislature what $1.25 in sales tax can do and still function to deter smoking. Lets look at:..
A major increase all at once will backfire. The Kansas populous will cross the State line and buy the cigarettes there instead. Kansas is already higher than its neighboring states. Colorado charges, $0.84, Nebraska charges, $0.64, and Missouri charges, $0.17 in State sales tax. With regards to revenue, these are things to consider. Also consider, people will either move out of the State or travel and bring the cigarettes home when it gets to expensive here. That doesn't solve the problem. Also, Kansas Legislatures do not Legislate in those 4 states. They Legislate here only. They don't control the sales tax in those states.
**Update** January 13TH 2010, 1:04 am.
The Democratic party seems eager to preserve the current corruption and disregard for "ALL" us Kansans. Please read some more links.
1. http://www.nbafinkansas.org/task_force/biographies/JDocking.aspx
Then click on the Home link on the left after reading her bio as well as clicking onto the other icons on the left. I don't remember all these "PUBLIC INPUT" meetings. I don't remember Lynn Jenkins as State Treasurer mentioning she was a board member during the 2008 election.
2. http://cjonline.com/interact/blog/ric_anderson/2010-01-12/dem_says_gov_candidate_coming_soon
**Update** January 13TH, 2010 6:50 PM.
Please look at the links I placed in the comment section at,
Also read,
**Governor Parkinson's State of the State speech***
**Update** January 27TH, 2010. 4:55 PM.
K.N.I. to remain open. Read:..
Read the comment section also. I had commented on K.N.I. all along. Also read:..
I have always felt and stated, before they deleted it. The Kansas Farmer/Rancher are the number one resource in Kansas. Their Fore Fathers are our Fore Fathers. They grew crops before the land became a territory. Then the territory became a State. The State of Kansas. There has never been an epidemic or food recall coming out of Kansas. I don't feel N.B.A.F. is safe for our number one resource. I feel N.B.A.F. jeopardizes our safety and our resource. Why??? Transportation!!! Imagine transporting the worst Bio Hazard across any area in Kansas to get to Manhattan to place it in the worlds most secure and strict standard facility. How do they plan on transporting these Bio's safely?? They have not figured that in.
Lets compare a situation. A serial killer is in a Detention Center waiting to be transferred to Eldorado or Larned into their Maximum Facility Units. The state feels the Detention Center can just let the Serial Killer transport themselves or use any schmo to transport them. En route, they escape and kill a bunch of people. No biggy to the State. The Coal Plant was canceled because they change one item for it. Yet N.B.A.F. remains on pace with constant changes and disregards to our safety. Have you ever heard of a Plane, Train or Automobile that is a Level 4 transport vehicle? What if these vehicles crash and expose these agents into our number one resource? We loose our number one resource and we loose our very lives. Do you want quarantined and destroyed so the personal agenda asses can profit at your expense??? I do not!!!!
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