I am scared for our Troops when they return home, here to America. I am pretty sure that the Reserve Troops, who had jobs in the Civilian and Government World, are supposed to get their jobs back. I keep seeing where Police Departments and Fire Departments etc:.. are cutting off funds in certain areas, to hire more employees. When they fill the schedule, where will the returning Troops work? The schedule will be full. I am concerned they will not have jobs when they return. I find it harsh and scary that these positions are being filled as if they are not going to live through the WAR. That sucks!!! How many lies are the Troops being told? How many lies are the new recruits being told? How many Troops have to be killed before the Civilian and City/County/State and Federal World have replaced enough of those jobs with new puppets, who will be paid less and will except less authority and don't know any better? We lose everyday the Troops are in "Harms Way". They are being killed to preserve Tyranny! They are being killed to protect cowardice. They are being killed because they would refuse to except a compromise to our Freedom and Rights. The Congress and State Governments got tired of hearing, NO! They was checked and balanced by seasoned, experienced motivated Americans. We can thank the Troops and stand up for them. They have stood up for us. We can still voice what we feel and demand accountability! We can secure America here. For their return and for their efforts. We can say thank you in proper actions. We can communicate and demand respect and truths for the Troops efforts and sacrifices. Demand they are remembered by remembering them everyday and expressing it in our daily functions and interactions. Call, E-Mail, Write and Visit the City/County/State and Federal Government and voice your praise, concerns, support, questions, opinions and over all views of what you see and feel. Call, E-Mail, Write your local Newspapers, TV Stations etc:.. and do the same. You might be surprised. There are a lot of good people in the Government and Media out there. Don't view and judge them all based on a few people who use the Media to "Show Boat". Working together is a working Democracy. Standing alone, is just getting in the way! Herbert West III, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
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