..Last year I ran for Sheriff in Miami County Kansas. I received mixed views on not having any Law Enforcement experience. By State Law it is not required. If a person is elected they go to the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center and receive training. This program is paid for from percentages and fees from Traffic Tickets and Criminal Docket Fees. Currently this is $14.00. You can also transfer your Law Enforcement Credentials from another State. Where people got upset??
..1. People who want to become Cops in Kansas have to train under a Department for a year and then go to the K.L.E.T.C. for 14 weeks and 560 hours of training.
K.S.A. 74-5619, 20-362, and 20-362{e} explain this.
..2. It takes about 2 years to become a minimum qualified certified Police Officer. Anyone elected as Sheriff can go from "ZERO" experience, or training, too becoming Sheriff in 560 hours and 14 weeks. Within the Departments there is a minimum time frame that must be met to gain rank, or eligibility for different "Task Forces" in the Department.
..3. I purpose that the 2 year minimum Police Officer Employment eligibility be followed under, "Equal Opportunity Employment". Sheriffs' get paychecks. The 2 years must be as a Kansas Law Enforcement Officer.
..4. I purpose that any reciprocity of other States training must have been completed 2 years prior to be eligible to run for Sheriff in Kansas. I don't like the rushed reciprocity.
..5. County/District Attorneys' have to be Lawyers to be eligible to run for the Elected Office. County Treasurers, County Clerks and other positions of elect have minimum credential guidelines also.
..6. I also feel any and all candidates must successfully take and pass the "Civil Service Exam". I plan on doing this.
..I received 3,569 votes. Kelly received 10,773 votes for Sheriff. I received these votes based on they wanted Sheriff Kelly out and my views as a Candidate. I received all these votes without being a qualified Cop. Jim Mitzner, who also ran, received 66 votes and Joe Rogers, who also ran, received 2. They both had 10 years experience each as street Cops. These changes are important. I am "Grand Fathered" on the Governors Candidate Eligibility requirements, as a current Candidate. It will be subject to change, later also.
I filed October 8Th 2013 for the 2014 Kansas Governor Election. Thanks for reading up on me and following me. Herbert West III, {R}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014. @HerbertIII at www.twitter.com www.herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ west.herb@yahoo.com This "FREE" blog posted here as an, "In Kind Contribution", by Campaign Treasurer Herbert West III, for Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014, Herbert West III (R), as an In Kind Contribution.
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. west.herb@yahoo.com , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. http://herbertwest3rd.blogspot.com/ These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
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