Health care,
..Another view. If a Doctor commits Mal-Practice and they are under law Suit, what should the Penalty be? I have a view on this. I feel that the structure or policy should reflect the Social Security Standard.
..I will give some basic reflection:...
.. A patient files a law suit, for millions, against a Doctor. This happens all the time. Why is it wrong? Equality! Where is equality the factor here? Social Security only pays 2/3 of a persons work history average. If someone works for 1 year and then becomes disabled, here is a brief of what happens. Lets say they make $12,000 a year. That is $1,000 a month. Social Security then figures 2/3 of this monthly average. This would be $625.00 a month, as an average disability income. OK, another person makes $24,000 a year. The same steps are followed. They made $2,000 a month, so their 2/3 benefit of work history is, $1,250 a month. Monthly benefits are based on work history.
..If someone made $10,000, $20,000 and $30,000 in for 3 years work. Then the average of their work history would be. Add all 3 years together. That is $60,000 divided by three which is $20,000 as a work gross yearly work history. That is divided by 12 and that becomes the monthly benefit or monthly disability for that person. It is more involved than that, but that is a quick basic reflection of disability benefits.
..Why would someone be allowed millions for a Mal-Practice or Tort suit, if their monthly disability check would only be, $1,666.66, if they went on disability? If they return to work or are found to be able to return to work, the benefit would stop after a one year trial work period.
..I feel the Mal-Practice Insurance Company should only have to pay Social Security the benefit rate, the patient falls under based on Social Security Standards, and a monthly surcharge. If the patients remains disabled, they continue receiving a disability check. If they improve, an adjustment is facilitated. Mal-Practice and Torts are based on Displacement. Being displaced from work. Being displaced from a persons way of life. All ways of life fall within the Social Security Standards. I am not sure what the number is, but Social Security will only pay up to a maximum monthly amount. If you make $1,000,000.00 a year, you will not get 2/3 of $1,000,000.00 a year in disability income if you become disabled. In this, why should people get more from law suits than their individual disability standard allowance? They should not.
..Basically, law suits for Mal-Practice or Torts should be evaluated and managed by Social Security. That would stop fake suits, and reduce Health care costs. The number one cause of problems with your Doctor and your care, is you as the patient refuses to follow the Doctors orders in full or part. Then you as the patient blame your Doctor because insurance companies won't pay if we go, "Against Medical Advice", {or A.M.A.}. There are a varied levels of A.M.A.s' that we as patients exercise. Social Security is neutral. Their Doctors get a yearly paycheck. They don't get percentages or per patient paychecks or reimbursements. They don't have an Office and they don't see patients in their own Office setting. They don't have a private practice. They don't get more or less of an income based on their patient load or how a private practice works. They get paid the same, regardless if your are sick or healthy. They don't treat, anyone, they evaluate your Health care status as presented for a disability rating. That is all they do. They state, "You are disabled or your not disabled". That is all they do. I feel this Social Security Standard and Policy would stop a lot of the Medical System Abuse.
I filed October 8Th 2013 for the 2014 Kansas Governor Election. Thanks for reading up on me and following me. Herbert West III, {R}, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014. @HerbertIII at This "FREE" blog posted here as an, "In Kind Contribution", by Campaign Treasurer Herbert West III, for Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2014, Herbert West III (R), as an In Kind Contribution.
About Me

- Herbert L West 3rd
- I filed October 8TH, 2013 and became a Candidate for Kansas Governor for the 2014 Election. I also became a Republican. Feel free to contact me. @HerbertIII on twitter. , 21817 W. 351st, Paola Kansas 66071. These websites are being used as an "In Kind Contribution", as they are mine and free through Google Blogger. See "Fair Market Value" at the, Kansas Governmental Ethics Commission's webpage. Posted by Herbert West III Campaign Treasurer for, Candidate for KS Governor 2014, Herbert West III, (R). E.I.N. 80-0953936.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Robert Brown's view.
..You can read his opinion at
..It is titled,
Letter: Do Kansans Care?
..I commented on this article/letter. I hope you take the time to read it. It is an honest opinion about the current vibe in Kansas and America. Thanks,
..It is titled,
Letter: Do Kansans Care?
..I commented on this article/letter. I hope you take the time to read it. It is an honest opinion about the current vibe in Kansas and America. Thanks,
Friday, August 28, 2009
Internal Marshal Law a strong possibility.
..What is the difference between Internal and External Marshal Law? Internal starts and involves the Internal mechanisms. External involves where these mechanisms function out of the Office or where it involves the Outside world inside the Office. When I make Governor, I will declare "Res Specie" "Internal Marshal Law". That is, "Thing Specific", Marshal Law. Under States of Emergency Governors can declare Marshal Law. I plan on doing this and conducting an audit of Miami County and its illegal activity that the current State Government excepts bribes on and refuses to stop. Under the R.I.C.O. Acts, I can audit back 20 years. Governor Parkinson is not allowed to do this. He would be committing Racketeering and Extortion under the "S.L.A.A.P." provisions. That is "Strategic Law Suit Against Public Participation".
..I will conduct an audit in every county I find corrupt. Miami County steals and launders Federal and State Bond money without interruption. They steal local tax money and refuse to answer to the citizens of Miami County. They intimidate and extort the residents here. I have tried to prove the issue and the State looks the other way. That will end when you vote for me in Nov 2010. I will recover the stolen State and Federal Tax Revenue and I will demand accountability by incarceration of all those committing acts of Tyranny, and Terrorism that the State has thus far refused to investigate or stop. The Sheriff here runs Illegal Raffles, which by Kansas Law become Lottery's.
Kansas Lottery
..and the
Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission
..allow him to conduct Illegal Lottery's in this County. They allow gambling machines to be in this county.
..I don't blame the residents, I blame the "so-called" Government. They lied to get into Office and then they lie to stay there. I am sorry that we have to wait until January 2011 before I can have the authority to activate Marshal Law to fix these corrupt matters. I have shown where this bond money comes from and how it was Illegally Collected. Read up on my Health care article/post.
Check out $3,000,000.00 in fines owed.
How about, "National Review" Article from U.S. Senator Brownback and my response.
..I need your vote to be able to expose this corrupttion and fix its damage. Thanks, I will keep you all updated.
..I will conduct an audit in every county I find corrupt. Miami County steals and launders Federal and State Bond money without interruption. They steal local tax money and refuse to answer to the citizens of Miami County. They intimidate and extort the residents here. I have tried to prove the issue and the State looks the other way. That will end when you vote for me in Nov 2010. I will recover the stolen State and Federal Tax Revenue and I will demand accountability by incarceration of all those committing acts of Tyranny, and Terrorism that the State has thus far refused to investigate or stop. The Sheriff here runs Illegal Raffles, which by Kansas Law become Lottery's.
Kansas Lottery
..and the
Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission
..allow him to conduct Illegal Lottery's in this County. They allow gambling machines to be in this county.
..I don't blame the residents, I blame the "so-called" Government. They lied to get into Office and then they lie to stay there. I am sorry that we have to wait until January 2011 before I can have the authority to activate Marshal Law to fix these corrupt matters. I have shown where this bond money comes from and how it was Illegally Collected. Read up on my Health care article/post.
Check out $3,000,000.00 in fines owed.
How about, "National Review" Article from U.S. Senator Brownback and my response.
..I need your vote to be able to expose this corrupttion and fix its damage. Thanks, I will keep you all updated.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
$3,000,000.00 in fines owed!?!?!
Sheriff Kelly conducts illegal Drawings/Raffles in Miami County Kansas. He excepted Illegal funds from these illegal Drawings/Raffles. Look at K.S.A. 25-4181 at or the Statute Section there. Then type in 25-4181 in the Statute Number Window. So far the State of Kansas refuses to investigate. The Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission refuses to investigate. The Kansas City FBI refuses to investigate. Kelly recieved campaign funds last year for his Sheriff Campaign and his Republican Committeeman Campaign. There was 100 drawings last year. He owes, $15,000 for each drawing for each campaign in ILLEGAL FUNDS. That is $30,000 times 100 drawings. $3,000,000.00!!!! Because he is K of C and Catholic he is allowed to break the Law?? A.G. Six says yes. So does his Assistant Attorney General, Patrick Martin, with the K.R.G.C..
Also look at the Kansas Legislature cunducting Sessions out of session. Look at K.S.A. 25-4153a then look at The Kansas Constitution. In my opinion they are re-appropriating the federal Stimulis Money set for school districts. They are ILLEGALY realining the districts, out of session. The K.R.G.C.'s Lawyer, Patrick Martin who is an Assitant Attorney General needs held equally accountable for these Illegal Drawing/Raffle sessions.
Thanks again,
Also look at the Kansas Legislature cunducting Sessions out of session. Look at K.S.A. 25-4153a then look at The Kansas Constitution. In my opinion they are re-appropriating the federal Stimulis Money set for school districts. They are ILLEGALY realining the districts, out of session. The K.R.G.C.'s Lawyer, Patrick Martin who is an Assitant Attorney General needs held equally accountable for these Illegal Drawing/Raffle sessions.
Thanks again,
Saturday, August 22, 2009
OOPS!!!!!! Senator Chris Steineger missed some Constitutional mandates/policies/processes???
I wonder if Chris Steineger considered the Electoral Vote Process? Read up on this at
How about the United States congressional apportionment? Read up here,
Here is what Senator Chris Steineger wants,
..I am not sure what the entire process is, but I don't see where a State Senator or, God Forbid he makes State Governor, can alter the entire U.S. Constitution or any Congressional Process.
August 23rd, 2009. "Update!!!!!"
..I found the Kansas Constitution. It is at
I will be reading up on it. So far nothing it it allows for his idea to dismantle the State Legislature and Dictate the Kansas Counties. Example, this last session he addressed the Legislature against the Kansas Constitution. Article 10 states, "At its regular session in 1992 and at its regular session ever 10th year thereafter, the Legislature by law reapportion the state senatorial districts and representative districts on the basis of the population of the state as established by the most recent census the population taken and published by the United States bureau of the census. Senatorial and representative districts shall be reapportioned upon the basis of population of the state adjusted:..
..There is never a mention of dissolving counties or consolidating them into territories to manipulate the census rules for population. The next scheduled 10 year is 2012. The last one was 2002. 10 years form 1992 was 2020. 10 years from 2002 will be 2012. He cannot "TRUMP" or alter the "United States Constitution, Population Census", by dissolving counties and re-aligning them into territories. He acted Unconstitutionally last session or the regular legislative session of 2009. He wants to break the Law and function, Unconstitutionally and then expect to make Governor? He is wrong and needs removed for acts of, "TYRANNY".
**Update** January 25TH, 2010 8:11 am.
Senator Steineger wants to be the Secretary of State now. He will still breach the Law for his own use.
How about the United States congressional apportionment? Read up here,
Here is what Senator Chris Steineger wants,
..I am not sure what the entire process is, but I don't see where a State Senator or, God Forbid he makes State Governor, can alter the entire U.S. Constitution or any Congressional Process.
August 23rd, 2009. "Update!!!!!"
..I found the Kansas Constitution. It is at
I will be reading up on it. So far nothing it it allows for his idea to dismantle the State Legislature and Dictate the Kansas Counties. Example, this last session he addressed the Legislature against the Kansas Constitution. Article 10 states, "At its regular session in 1992 and at its regular session ever 10th year thereafter, the Legislature by law reapportion the state senatorial districts and representative districts on the basis of the population of the state as established by the most recent census the population taken and published by the United States bureau of the census. Senatorial and representative districts shall be reapportioned upon the basis of population of the state adjusted:..
..There is never a mention of dissolving counties or consolidating them into territories to manipulate the census rules for population. The next scheduled 10 year is 2012. The last one was 2002. 10 years form 1992 was 2020. 10 years from 2002 will be 2012. He cannot "TRUMP" or alter the "United States Constitution, Population Census", by dissolving counties and re-aligning them into territories. He acted Unconstitutionally last session or the regular legislative session of 2009. He wants to break the Law and function, Unconstitutionally and then expect to make Governor? He is wrong and needs removed for acts of, "TYRANNY".
**Update** January 25TH, 2010 8:11 am.
Senator Steineger wants to be the Secretary of State now. He will still breach the Law for his own use.
I need to clarify a e-mail I sent to the Media.
..I know there is a chance the Media will either publish or comment on an e-mail I sent them. I wanted to clarify what I said and what I meant the contents to mean.
..I have a major problem with how Sheriff Kelly in Miami County Kansas breaks the Law and he seems to fall under the radar. I have filed and filed and they keep letting him slide through. The e-mail I sent to the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission was in regards to Sheriff Kelly, a Knights of Columbus Member, is running an illegal raffle in Miami County. he has done this for years. Here is what he does.
..The "Knights of Columbus, Council #1149" and his self set up the following.
..K of C Calendar Cash Giveaway Rules.
..1. A total of $15,000 will be given away between 1/1/09 and 12/31/09.
..2. To be eligible for the drawings, a person must purchase at least 1 calendar for $30.00, fill out the drawing receipt and return it to a member of the K of C Council #1149.
..3. Each entry will be eligible for every drawing throughout the year, no matter how many times it may be drawn as a winner.
..4. Eight tickets for the following month will be drawn at each council meeting in full view of the membership and mailed in a timely manner. The order in which the ticket is drawn determines the pay date amount.
..5. Payment will be made via check and mailed to each winner through U.S. Postal mail service.
..6. Questions concerning the drawing can be directed to David Moll 1-913-294-5388.
..7. The Knights of Columbus Council #1149 or any affiliate of the council is not responsible for any taxes the winner of the drawing may incur. It is the sole responsibility of each winner to claim any taxes they feel are due.
..There are 104 drawings scheduled. That is 104 ILLEGAL drawings. Why?? They force a payment for the "Raffle Drawing Receipt". By Kansas Law it is Illegal to force a payment to participate in a Raffle or Drawing for any prize. Also, the prize cannot exceed $500.00 by Kansas Law. If it doe's the Raffle, Drawing outfit must have a Federal Tax Id Number and they must disclose this to the participants. They must also collect any and all taxes from the winner for a prize over $500.00 before they give them the prize. This "Raffle, Drawing" is a Progressive Drawing. It is attached to $15,000.00. Sheriff Kelly did this last year also. He received contributions from last years "Raffle Drawing" for his re-election bid. He broke the Law campaigning last year. He had to break the Law to beat me. I had to follow the Law.
..What do the people doing this and blocking the investigation have in common??
..1. Kelly is a Member of the K of C Council #1149. The K of C was founded in 1882 by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut.
..2. Kelly tells the Holy Trinity Church he is Catholic because the origin and partnership with the K of C is Catholic. He only goes to church during elections when he is up for re-election.
..3.I did state, which I will elaborate below, that the Catholic Church is wrong. Basically, people allow titles to give permission and blessings in breaking the law and breaching morals. I as a Baptist, would be held accountable if I were to run an Illegal Raffle. Yet, he as a Catholic is allowed. He gives the Illegal money the church, and its charities. He launders a portion to gain support for the entire level of illegal activity. The K.R.G.C. refuse to investigate.
..4.I won't harp heavy on priest molesting choir boys. This happens in all church settings and religious entities. My statement that people should boycott the Catholic Church and the K of C was made because I see discrimination and bigotry in his actions and their approval of his tyranny. I see the causing bigotry by pointing the finger at others who break the Law, through him as Sheriff, because they are not Catholic. They received funds from his K of C Council #1149 to re-elect him to keep the illegal funds flowing and to protect Catholics from investigations, or arrests. Titles are a form of bigotry. The State of Kansas is supposed to function under, "Separation of Church and State". This doesn't happen. I refuse to lie to people and Ty to fake becoming Catholic to get votes. I am not asking for votes as a Baptist. I am not asking for votes because I am a Democrat. I don't believe in 100% titles and stereotypical allow abilities. I believe in issues and views. I don't believe in titles and stereotypes. That is what has screwed us up thus far. "Vote for me I am Catholic". Vote for me I am a Republican". Vote for me I am female". Vote for me I am Black". I believe in vote for me, "I am on top of the issues and I will keep you posted and and use your voice and views to secure the issues for the better of the Majority".
..I don't hate Catholics. I did classify them all as the same. I hope they take the time to read why. I hope they see where I see him breaking the integrity of being Catholic. I hope they see he is trying to define what a Catholic is and does. I hope they look at how people view them, based on actions like his. I hope they realize people get tired of catch phrases like, "I am Catholic, I am allowed". "I am a Republican I am allowed". "I am a Cop, I am allowed". "I am a man, I am allowed". No one is allowed any stereotypical advantages above others. That breeches Democracy. Females don't have to bow to males. Blacks don't have to bow to whites. Catholics don't have to bow to the Jewish. Citizens don't have to bow to Cops. Bowing to titles is stupid, weak and pathetic. Respecting the person and their integrity while they use their entitlement of title as earned and granted, is allowed and should be respected. I am very aware that it is rare for anyone who holds a title to even mention it. Most who cram a title down your throat did not earn the title they are disgracing. In a Democracy we have the right and freedom to tell them so. I again, hope anyone who is Catholic can look at the topic, the content and why I am trying to get them to see what Sheriff Kelly and the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission is doing. They are abusing titles and forcing stereotypes to hide behind terrorising us in Kansas. Please contact the K.R.G.C. and demand an investigation. they are at, The Administrator is Steven Martino. The Legal Division, is Patrick Martin. He is also an Assistant Attorney General. The phone number is 1-785-296-5800. There fax is 1-785-296-0900. Their e-mail is . Sheriff Kelly is at 1-913-294-4444 or see him at under the Sheriff Icon.
..K.S.A. 74-8718 was brought to my attention by the Kansas Lottery. They told me anytime "1 cent is demanded for a Raffle Ticket/Drawing" it becomes an unlawful Lottery! The first violation is a Class A non-person misdemeanor. The second or subsequent offenses, are a Severity Level 9 non-person Felony. He committed 1 Class A non-person misdemeanor then he committed 35 Severity Level 9 non-person Felony's if he followed the Drawing schedule this year thus far. This being August 22nd, 2009. The next drawing is Aug 23rd, 2009. Of course the penalties are based on convictions. He is not even being investigated. That is what is disturbing! I was told of the Lottery K.S.A. by Steven Durrell. He is an Assistant Attorney General with the Kansas Lottery. The Kansas Lottery website is, .
..Look up K.S.A. 74-8718 at or
then click onto the statutes icon. Then type in 74-8718 in the statute number window. You can then read the statute. Also look up things under the keyword window there.
..Again, I don't hate an entire group. I only wanted the Catholics to read what I felt and that I feel he is defining them as a stereotypical group of thieves. I hope they realize I don't feel they are and entire group of thieves. I only want them to see what I see. Thanks, Herbert West III, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
..P.S. Please scroll down this list of posts here and read "Party VS. Issues when communicating and Voting". Go go to and read the article and my comment there. Or click here, The comment is titled, "Titles VS. Issues". It takes a while for the link to open, please be patient. Thanks again, Herbert West III.
..I have a major problem with how Sheriff Kelly in Miami County Kansas breaks the Law and he seems to fall under the radar. I have filed and filed and they keep letting him slide through. The e-mail I sent to the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission was in regards to Sheriff Kelly, a Knights of Columbus Member, is running an illegal raffle in Miami County. he has done this for years. Here is what he does.
..The "Knights of Columbus, Council #1149" and his self set up the following.
..K of C Calendar Cash Giveaway Rules.
..1. A total of $15,000 will be given away between 1/1/09 and 12/31/09.
..2. To be eligible for the drawings, a person must purchase at least 1 calendar for $30.00, fill out the drawing receipt and return it to a member of the K of C Council #1149.
..3. Each entry will be eligible for every drawing throughout the year, no matter how many times it may be drawn as a winner.
..4. Eight tickets for the following month will be drawn at each council meeting in full view of the membership and mailed in a timely manner. The order in which the ticket is drawn determines the pay date amount.
..5. Payment will be made via check and mailed to each winner through U.S. Postal mail service.
..6. Questions concerning the drawing can be directed to David Moll 1-913-294-5388.
..7. The Knights of Columbus Council #1149 or any affiliate of the council is not responsible for any taxes the winner of the drawing may incur. It is the sole responsibility of each winner to claim any taxes they feel are due.
..There are 104 drawings scheduled. That is 104 ILLEGAL drawings. Why?? They force a payment for the "Raffle Drawing Receipt". By Kansas Law it is Illegal to force a payment to participate in a Raffle or Drawing for any prize. Also, the prize cannot exceed $500.00 by Kansas Law. If it doe's the Raffle, Drawing outfit must have a Federal Tax Id Number and they must disclose this to the participants. They must also collect any and all taxes from the winner for a prize over $500.00 before they give them the prize. This "Raffle, Drawing" is a Progressive Drawing. It is attached to $15,000.00. Sheriff Kelly did this last year also. He received contributions from last years "Raffle Drawing" for his re-election bid. He broke the Law campaigning last year. He had to break the Law to beat me. I had to follow the Law.
..What do the people doing this and blocking the investigation have in common??
..1. Kelly is a Member of the K of C Council #1149. The K of C was founded in 1882 by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut.
..2. Kelly tells the Holy Trinity Church he is Catholic because the origin and partnership with the K of C is Catholic. He only goes to church during elections when he is up for re-election.
..3.I did state, which I will elaborate below, that the Catholic Church is wrong. Basically, people allow titles to give permission and blessings in breaking the law and breaching morals. I as a Baptist, would be held accountable if I were to run an Illegal Raffle. Yet, he as a Catholic is allowed. He gives the Illegal money the church, and its charities. He launders a portion to gain support for the entire level of illegal activity. The K.R.G.C. refuse to investigate.
..4.I won't harp heavy on priest molesting choir boys. This happens in all church settings and religious entities. My statement that people should boycott the Catholic Church and the K of C was made because I see discrimination and bigotry in his actions and their approval of his tyranny. I see the causing bigotry by pointing the finger at others who break the Law, through him as Sheriff, because they are not Catholic. They received funds from his K of C Council #1149 to re-elect him to keep the illegal funds flowing and to protect Catholics from investigations, or arrests. Titles are a form of bigotry. The State of Kansas is supposed to function under, "Separation of Church and State". This doesn't happen. I refuse to lie to people and Ty to fake becoming Catholic to get votes. I am not asking for votes as a Baptist. I am not asking for votes because I am a Democrat. I don't believe in 100% titles and stereotypical allow abilities. I believe in issues and views. I don't believe in titles and stereotypes. That is what has screwed us up thus far. "Vote for me I am Catholic". Vote for me I am a Republican". Vote for me I am female". Vote for me I am Black". I believe in vote for me, "I am on top of the issues and I will keep you posted and and use your voice and views to secure the issues for the better of the Majority".
..I don't hate Catholics. I did classify them all as the same. I hope they take the time to read why. I hope they see where I see him breaking the integrity of being Catholic. I hope they see he is trying to define what a Catholic is and does. I hope they look at how people view them, based on actions like his. I hope they realize people get tired of catch phrases like, "I am Catholic, I am allowed". "I am a Republican I am allowed". "I am a Cop, I am allowed". "I am a man, I am allowed". No one is allowed any stereotypical advantages above others. That breeches Democracy. Females don't have to bow to males. Blacks don't have to bow to whites. Catholics don't have to bow to the Jewish. Citizens don't have to bow to Cops. Bowing to titles is stupid, weak and pathetic. Respecting the person and their integrity while they use their entitlement of title as earned and granted, is allowed and should be respected. I am very aware that it is rare for anyone who holds a title to even mention it. Most who cram a title down your throat did not earn the title they are disgracing. In a Democracy we have the right and freedom to tell them so. I again, hope anyone who is Catholic can look at the topic, the content and why I am trying to get them to see what Sheriff Kelly and the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission is doing. They are abusing titles and forcing stereotypes to hide behind terrorising us in Kansas. Please contact the K.R.G.C. and demand an investigation. they are at, The Administrator is Steven Martino. The Legal Division, is Patrick Martin. He is also an Assistant Attorney General. The phone number is 1-785-296-5800. There fax is 1-785-296-0900. Their e-mail is . Sheriff Kelly is at 1-913-294-4444 or see him at under the Sheriff Icon.
..K.S.A. 74-8718 was brought to my attention by the Kansas Lottery. They told me anytime "1 cent is demanded for a Raffle Ticket/Drawing" it becomes an unlawful Lottery! The first violation is a Class A non-person misdemeanor. The second or subsequent offenses, are a Severity Level 9 non-person Felony. He committed 1 Class A non-person misdemeanor then he committed 35 Severity Level 9 non-person Felony's if he followed the Drawing schedule this year thus far. This being August 22nd, 2009. The next drawing is Aug 23rd, 2009. Of course the penalties are based on convictions. He is not even being investigated. That is what is disturbing! I was told of the Lottery K.S.A. by Steven Durrell. He is an Assistant Attorney General with the Kansas Lottery. The Kansas Lottery website is, .
..Look up K.S.A. 74-8718 at or
then click onto the statutes icon. Then type in 74-8718 in the statute number window. You can then read the statute. Also look up things under the keyword window there.
..Again, I don't hate an entire group. I only wanted the Catholics to read what I felt and that I feel he is defining them as a stereotypical group of thieves. I hope they realize I don't feel they are and entire group of thieves. I only want them to see what I see. Thanks, Herbert West III, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
..P.S. Please scroll down this list of posts here and read "Party VS. Issues when communicating and Voting". Go go to and read the article and my comment there. Or click here, The comment is titled, "Titles VS. Issues". It takes a while for the link to open, please be patient. Thanks again, Herbert West III.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sebelius breaks the Law?????
I sent this letter as an e-mail to the Media and the State Government of Kansas. I will retype it here because it is important.
..To Whom It May Concern.
....I am confused. I asked the Governmental Ethics if I could give to specific departments within the state when I have to dissolve or close out my campaign funds after the election. They said "NO". I could only give to the states general fund. Yet Governor Sebelius used her contributions specifically for personal use. She used the funds within her Office as Governor. Go to Slide your mouse over "Campaign Finance". Then click onto "View Submitted Forms & Reports". Then click onto Candidates and Incumbents. Then click onto 2010 under statewide offices. Scroll down the list and click on Kathleen Sebelius under the Governor list. Then click on her Termination Report. It is file stamped Aug 3rd 2009. Read the footnotes on page 14. #5 says she used campaign funds to discuss the Bio Lab with Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano, Washington D.C.. RE: The National Bio-Agriculture Facility at K-State University. This Termination Report shows seh used her campaign funds for Governor Office use. She waited 2 years after she was reelected to close out her campaign funds?? She was allowed to use these funds for things other than her campaign expenses? Yea, she broke the Law!!!! Thanks again, P.S. This should be the link read,
She needs to be held accountable. I am tired of the double standard and I want Politics cleaned up. Thanks, Herbert West III, Candidate for Kansas Governor.
..To Whom It May Concern.
....I am confused. I asked the Governmental Ethics if I could give to specific departments within the state when I have to dissolve or close out my campaign funds after the election. They said "NO". I could only give to the states general fund. Yet Governor Sebelius used her contributions specifically for personal use. She used the funds within her Office as Governor. Go to Slide your mouse over "Campaign Finance". Then click onto "View Submitted Forms & Reports". Then click onto Candidates and Incumbents. Then click onto 2010 under statewide offices. Scroll down the list and click on Kathleen Sebelius under the Governor list. Then click on her Termination Report. It is file stamped Aug 3rd 2009. Read the footnotes on page 14. #5 says she used campaign funds to discuss the Bio Lab with Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano, Washington D.C.. RE: The National Bio-Agriculture Facility at K-State University. This Termination Report shows seh used her campaign funds for Governor Office use. She waited 2 years after she was reelected to close out her campaign funds?? She was allowed to use these funds for things other than her campaign expenses? Yea, she broke the Law!!!! Thanks again, P.S. This should be the link read,
She needs to be held accountable. I am tired of the double standard and I want Politics cleaned up. Thanks, Herbert West III, Candidate for Kansas Governor.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Question about our Troops returning.

I am scared for our Troops when they return home, here to America. I am pretty sure that the Reserve Troops, who had jobs in the Civilian and Government World, are supposed to get their jobs back. I keep seeing where Police Departments and Fire Departments etc:.. are cutting off funds in certain areas, to hire more employees. When they fill the schedule, where will the returning Troops work? The schedule will be full. I am concerned they will not have jobs when they return. I find it harsh and scary that these positions are being filled as if they are not going to live through the WAR. That sucks!!! How many lies are the Troops being told? How many lies are the new recruits being told? How many Troops have to be killed before the Civilian and City/County/State and Federal World have replaced enough of those jobs with new puppets, who will be paid less and will except less authority and don't know any better? We lose everyday the Troops are in "Harms Way". They are being killed to preserve Tyranny! They are being killed to protect cowardice. They are being killed because they would refuse to except a compromise to our Freedom and Rights. The Congress and State Governments got tired of hearing, NO! They was checked and balanced by seasoned, experienced motivated Americans. We can thank the Troops and stand up for them. They have stood up for us. We can still voice what we feel and demand accountability! We can secure America here. For their return and for their efforts. We can say thank you in proper actions. We can communicate and demand respect and truths for the Troops efforts and sacrifices. Demand they are remembered by remembering them everyday and expressing it in our daily functions and interactions. Call, E-Mail, Write and Visit the City/County/State and Federal Government and voice your praise, concerns, support, questions, opinions and over all views of what you see and feel. Call, E-Mail, Write your local Newspapers, TV Stations etc:.. and do the same. You might be surprised. There are a lot of good people in the Government and Media out there. Don't view and judge them all based on a few people who use the Media to "Show Boat". Working together is a working Democracy. Standing alone, is just getting in the way! Herbert West III, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Johnson County Kansas drops the ball on "Safe Routes to School", Crossing Guard Budgets and Staff!!
..Read up on the Law and the City/County Public School responsibility's at
..Look up
..Also read up on
..Then read up on K.S.A. 8-15,104 and K.S.A. 8-1492 at the "Legislative" section of at then click on the word "statutes". Then put the number of the K.S.A. you want to read in the statute number window. Type in K.S.A. 8-15,104 and then type in K.S.A. 8-1492. You can also type in keywords and look up almost anything.
..I don't feel children's safety should be budget pawns. The School Districts have already been cheated out of budget money by the Legislature.
..I am upset that when I attempt to address this and other issues, the current system will make comments like, "I am only trying to get votes, I am only using these situations for votes or contributions". That is not true. I care about people and issues. I have posted many issues here and I hope people look through the alleged rumors that I am all about votes and contributions. I am about my neighbors, the Kansas residents.
..Look up
..Also read up on
..Then read up on K.S.A. 8-15,104 and K.S.A. 8-1492 at the "Legislative" section of at then click on the word "statutes". Then put the number of the K.S.A. you want to read in the statute number window. Type in K.S.A. 8-15,104 and then type in K.S.A. 8-1492. You can also type in keywords and look up almost anything.
..I don't feel children's safety should be budget pawns. The School Districts have already been cheated out of budget money by the Legislature.
..I am upset that when I attempt to address this and other issues, the current system will make comments like, "I am only trying to get votes, I am only using these situations for votes or contributions". That is not true. I care about people and issues. I have posted many issues here and I hope people look through the alleged rumors that I am all about votes and contributions. I am about my neighbors, the Kansas residents.
Kansas Lottery Screws Up Again!!!!!
I read the Kansas Lottery Audit. It is at, AUDIT, I e-mailed alo of people. I e-mailed every Newspaper in Kansas. I e-mailed 15 or 20 U.S. Attorneys. I e-mailed TV Stations. Please do the same. You can send this post to them using the envelope below. Forward at will, it is your tax money they stole!! Below is a copy of the letter I sent out.
..To: Whom it may concern.
...If the Kansas Casinos function like the kansas Lottery we are in trouble. The 2007 figures show that the Kansas Lottery started with $233,907,129.00 and ended the year with with a Net income asset amount of $7,129,067.00. $162,616,645.00 dollars was spent or paid out in expenses to make the $7,129,067.00 dollars. Damn!! $162,616,645.00 tax dollars are used yearly and paid to Lottery Employees, Retailers, Winnings etc:.. to make a return of $7,129,067.00 dollars. Who, other than the Government, would spend $162,616,645.00 to make $7,129,067.00? No one!! Why? Everyone else has to use their own money. The Government uses our money. They feel they have nothing to lose. Read for yourself. Please share it with others. Again, I remind you I am harsh. I am still exposing what I find. I am still p##### off. I hope people will see the Extortion and Racketeering going on here. If the link doesn't work for some reason, I will resend it. Thanks,
Herbert West III, Democratic,
Uncontested Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
..To: Whom it may concern.
...If the Kansas Casinos function like the kansas Lottery we are in trouble. The 2007 figures show that the Kansas Lottery started with $233,907,129.00 and ended the year with with a Net income asset amount of $7,129,067.00. $162,616,645.00 dollars was spent or paid out in expenses to make the $7,129,067.00 dollars. Damn!! $162,616,645.00 tax dollars are used yearly and paid to Lottery Employees, Retailers, Winnings etc:.. to make a return of $7,129,067.00 dollars. Who, other than the Government, would spend $162,616,645.00 to make $7,129,067.00? No one!! Why? Everyone else has to use their own money. The Government uses our money. They feel they have nothing to lose. Read for yourself. Please share it with others. Again, I remind you I am harsh. I am still exposing what I find. I am still p##### off. I hope people will see the Extortion and Racketeering going on here. If the link doesn't work for some reason, I will resend it. Thanks,
Herbert West III, Democratic,
Uncontested Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Where else to find me.
I comment at and as Herbert West III all the time. Type in my name, Herbert West III and read all the comments.
Also see Scroll down and read the article.
I did a TV interview,[4284-1]WIBW.htm#
Also see:..
You can also see me off and on at
**Updated** December 26th 2009.
Hear me in the 2nd hour for 45 minutes.,_2010
I comment at and as Herbert West III all the time. Type in my name, Herbert West III and read all the comments.
Also see Scroll down and read the article.
I did a TV interview,[4284-1]WIBW.htm#
Also see:..
You can also see me off and on at
**Updated** December 26th 2009.
Hear me in the 2nd hour for 45 minutes.
Party VS. Issues when communicating and voting?
Please read my comments at It is called, "Titles VS. Issues". I can type or post my opinion or views here if you cannot access it under the comments there. I will keep you updated as always. Thanks, Herbert West III, Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Health care Bill H.R. 3200
This the Health care Bill the town hall meetings are all about. I will be reading it and providing input. Feel free to comment here, and I will post those comments that pretain to Health care. Click on the "H.R. 3200" to read the Bill.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Contribution Schedule.
I can accept the following types of Contributions.
..1. Cash up to $10.00 with an aggregated total amount of $1,000.00 from multiple contributors, before August 2010. This is considered, "Anonymous Contributions".
..2. Cash up to $100.00 from any contributor as long as I collect their name and address for my records. They are still limited to a total of $2,000.00 aggregated contributions to me. I need this information for my campaign reports to the State.
..3. Checks up to $2,000.00 aggregated with their name and address, up until August 2010. Any amount of money contribution, over $100.00, must be in the form of a check, only.
..4. Merchandise and services that count at "Fair Market Value". Example, a store contributes a $500.00 TV for a Contribution Auction. I need to declare they contributed $500.00. They are only allowed to contribute $1,500.00 more in merchandise or money contributions before August 2010.
If you chose to give me contributions for my campaign, contact me at. 1-913-294-9375, I will come by and pick them up. I will be doing events soon and you can meet me at those also. I need to follow the campaign finance rules, so I have to pick up the contribution or be present to except it. This keeps it legal.
I opened a Campaign Bank Account. It is at the Paola Citizens State Bank in Paola Kansas. It is
"Citizens State Bank of Paola",
Paola Kansas 66071
It is still set up so that I am the only one who can deposiet or remove funds.
..1. Cash up to $10.00 with an aggregated total amount of $1,000.00 from multiple contributors, before August 2010. This is considered, "Anonymous Contributions".
..2. Cash up to $100.00 from any contributor as long as I collect their name and address for my records. They are still limited to a total of $2,000.00 aggregated contributions to me. I need this information for my campaign reports to the State.
..3. Checks up to $2,000.00 aggregated with their name and address, up until August 2010. Any amount of money contribution, over $100.00, must be in the form of a check, only.
..4. Merchandise and services that count at "Fair Market Value". Example, a store contributes a $500.00 TV for a Contribution Auction. I need to declare they contributed $500.00. They are only allowed to contribute $1,500.00 more in merchandise or money contributions before August 2010.
If you chose to give me contributions for my campaign, contact me at. 1-913-294-9375, I will come by and pick them up. I will be doing events soon and you can meet me at those also. I need to follow the campaign finance rules, so I have to pick up the contribution or be present to except it. This keeps it legal.
I opened a Campaign Bank Account. It is at the Paola Citizens State Bank in Paola Kansas. It is
"Citizens State Bank of Paola",
Paola Kansas 66071
It is still set up so that I am the only one who can deposiet or remove funds.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
"National Review" Article from U.S. Senator Brownback and my response.
He wrote, "Don't Punish Seniors for Health-Care Reform." Click here for the article. When you read that article look in the last sentence. It has the word, "writing" in it. Click on it and read his article in the "National Review". I also sent them a letter. I will re-type it here.
To: National Review
215 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York 10016
Letter to the Editor
Sir/Ma'am, I want to first thank you for allowing me to contact you. I am an Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. I disagree with U.S. Senator Brownback on quite a few issues. I will address the Health care issue. I have found him, Senator Brownback, to be evasive on the issue. He speaks about it as a Candidate for Governor, yet he addresses it as a U.S. Senator. This leads me to believe he is wanting to become Governor for Personal Agenda. I will explain. I have been on Disability for Factor V Lieden since 1995. It is a Liver Disorder. I have Medicare, Medicaid and AARP-D. I am vary familiar with the rules and guidelines of these plans. In regards to Medicare, Health car providers either except assignment or they don't. Lets say a Doctor doe's. If the regular bill or service price is $125.00 then on assignment the maximum the Doctor can bill is $100.00. This sounds OK so far. The State cannot also force the Doctor to take over an average of 10 patients/clients because of the assignment contract with its payment reimbursement schedule. Every 3 months Medicare in the State, I live in Kansas, offers a "Buy Out" on what is owed on the assignment contracts to the Health care providers. The providers are paid about half of the contracted amount. They receive $50.00 on the contracted $100.00 assignment schedule. The other $50.00 is the important part. The State re-appropriates that $50.00 into a fund. Where did this Medicare money come from to begin with? The Federal Government. The States show the "NEEDS" for assingment and give a detailed report when asking Medicare Dollars to be given to the States to State Manage the assingment contracts. These funds cannot go towards any State Budget Matter. If the State returns the $50.00 back to the Federal Government, it shows they asked for to much to begin with and the Federal Government will deny any future unjustified amounts. The State cannot put this money into the State Budget, they cannot pay it back to the Federal Government. They then use it for "Personal Agenda Projects". This a "Pyramid Scheme". Under equality, the Private Insurance Companies can demand they get the same reimbursment schedule. They would get the exact same percentage of "Buy Out" that Medicare was allowed to pay through the State. The State paid half on assingment. $50.00 on a $100.00 debt. The Private Insurance Company will now only pay half, or $62.50 on a $125.00 debt. To counter this, Medical Providers increase their service fees. They increase it to a level that will reimburse them at the level originaly contracted. To get the $100.00 assingment payment, the provider now starts at $250.00 with assingment coming in at $200.00 with a "Buy Out" of $100.00. That's OK for the Doctor. Where it is bad for the patient, client? Insurance rates go up when the amount paid goes up. When the base rate for services doubles, so doe's the premiums for insurance. So do the co-pays. The State doesn't complain because they get $100.00 in "Buy Out" funds instead of $50.00. Figure this into how many people are insured in Kansas. Kansas has a population of 2,688,418 people. In America 47 million of the 300 million people are uninsured. 16% of the Nation is uninsured. The 84% of the insured see an increase in their premiums every month because of this "Pyramid Scheme". That is an average of 1,911,267.92 people insured in Kansas. If their premiums go up $10.00 a month, that would be $19,112,679.20 a month. Take that times 12 months. That is $229,352,150.40 a year in $10.00 a month premium increases. If Doctors only except 10 patients each on assingment. This in theory is 10% of the insured. So the State gets how much in "Buy Out"? 268,841.80 thousand people are on Medicare in Kansas. On the 3 month scheduled, "Buy Outs" the State steals, $13,497,095.00 every 3 months. That times 4, "Buy Outs", a year is, $53,888,380.00 a year. That is just Kansas. Kansas has to except the Federal Medicare Rules, just like the other 49 States. An average quick guestimate for all 50 States is, $53,888,380.00 times 50 States. That is $2,699,969,000.00 a year average in stolen Medicare Federal Funds for Personal Agendas! U.S. Senator Brownback has been involved in this since day one when he joined the U.S. Senate. All these politicians are doing is changing Offices to keep the thefts going. If the States would pay the Medical Providers what they contracted on assingment, the providers would be forced to lower their rates back to the original rates, this would lower premiums and allow more people to get insurance. It would return the average, $2,699,969,000.00 back into the Federal Budget. I have many views on how to return the Government back to its people. I decided to run for Governor in Kansas to put these things into motion. U.S. Senator Brownback, in my opinion, lies by withholding information and twisting it for his personal gain. I don't solely blame him. I feel making Governor in Kansas will be a big start. H.H.S. Sebelius was the Insurance Commissioner turned Governor through all this. She is now H.H.S. and will try to protect this "Pyramid Scheme". When elected I will expose it and ask for a R.I.C.O. Acts review. The people of America deserve better. They deserve the truth. Also refer to Thanks again for allowing me to address my opinions on this matter. Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
August 12th, 2009.
..Update. Read the Health care Bill, H.R. 3200 It is the Bill, for Health care, everyone is in town hall meetings over.
To: National Review
215 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York 10016
Letter to the Editor
Sir/Ma'am, I want to first thank you for allowing me to contact you. I am an Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010. I disagree with U.S. Senator Brownback on quite a few issues. I will address the Health care issue. I have found him, Senator Brownback, to be evasive on the issue. He speaks about it as a Candidate for Governor, yet he addresses it as a U.S. Senator. This leads me to believe he is wanting to become Governor for Personal Agenda. I will explain. I have been on Disability for Factor V Lieden since 1995. It is a Liver Disorder. I have Medicare, Medicaid and AARP-D. I am vary familiar with the rules and guidelines of these plans. In regards to Medicare, Health car providers either except assignment or they don't. Lets say a Doctor doe's. If the regular bill or service price is $125.00 then on assignment the maximum the Doctor can bill is $100.00. This sounds OK so far. The State cannot also force the Doctor to take over an average of 10 patients/clients because of the assignment contract with its payment reimbursement schedule. Every 3 months Medicare in the State, I live in Kansas, offers a "Buy Out" on what is owed on the assignment contracts to the Health care providers. The providers are paid about half of the contracted amount. They receive $50.00 on the contracted $100.00 assignment schedule. The other $50.00 is the important part. The State re-appropriates that $50.00 into a fund. Where did this Medicare money come from to begin with? The Federal Government. The States show the "NEEDS" for assingment and give a detailed report when asking Medicare Dollars to be given to the States to State Manage the assingment contracts. These funds cannot go towards any State Budget Matter. If the State returns the $50.00 back to the Federal Government, it shows they asked for to much to begin with and the Federal Government will deny any future unjustified amounts. The State cannot put this money into the State Budget, they cannot pay it back to the Federal Government. They then use it for "Personal Agenda Projects". This a "Pyramid Scheme". Under equality, the Private Insurance Companies can demand they get the same reimbursment schedule. They would get the exact same percentage of "Buy Out" that Medicare was allowed to pay through the State. The State paid half on assingment. $50.00 on a $100.00 debt. The Private Insurance Company will now only pay half, or $62.50 on a $125.00 debt. To counter this, Medical Providers increase their service fees. They increase it to a level that will reimburse them at the level originaly contracted. To get the $100.00 assingment payment, the provider now starts at $250.00 with assingment coming in at $200.00 with a "Buy Out" of $100.00. That's OK for the Doctor. Where it is bad for the patient, client? Insurance rates go up when the amount paid goes up. When the base rate for services doubles, so doe's the premiums for insurance. So do the co-pays. The State doesn't complain because they get $100.00 in "Buy Out" funds instead of $50.00. Figure this into how many people are insured in Kansas. Kansas has a population of 2,688,418 people. In America 47 million of the 300 million people are uninsured. 16% of the Nation is uninsured. The 84% of the insured see an increase in their premiums every month because of this "Pyramid Scheme". That is an average of 1,911,267.92 people insured in Kansas. If their premiums go up $10.00 a month, that would be $19,112,679.20 a month. Take that times 12 months. That is $229,352,150.40 a year in $10.00 a month premium increases. If Doctors only except 10 patients each on assingment. This in theory is 10% of the insured. So the State gets how much in "Buy Out"? 268,841.80 thousand people are on Medicare in Kansas. On the 3 month scheduled, "Buy Outs" the State steals, $13,497,095.00 every 3 months. That times 4, "Buy Outs", a year is, $53,888,380.00 a year. That is just Kansas. Kansas has to except the Federal Medicare Rules, just like the other 49 States. An average quick guestimate for all 50 States is, $53,888,380.00 times 50 States. That is $2,699,969,000.00 a year average in stolen Medicare Federal Funds for Personal Agendas! U.S. Senator Brownback has been involved in this since day one when he joined the U.S. Senate. All these politicians are doing is changing Offices to keep the thefts going. If the States would pay the Medical Providers what they contracted on assingment, the providers would be forced to lower their rates back to the original rates, this would lower premiums and allow more people to get insurance. It would return the average, $2,699,969,000.00 back into the Federal Budget. I have many views on how to return the Government back to its people. I decided to run for Governor in Kansas to put these things into motion. U.S. Senator Brownback, in my opinion, lies by withholding information and twisting it for his personal gain. I don't solely blame him. I feel making Governor in Kansas will be a big start. H.H.S. Sebelius was the Insurance Commissioner turned Governor through all this. She is now H.H.S. and will try to protect this "Pyramid Scheme". When elected I will expose it and ask for a R.I.C.O. Acts review. The people of America deserve better. They deserve the truth. Also refer to Thanks again for allowing me to address my opinions on this matter. Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
August 12th, 2009.
..Update. Read the Health care Bill, H.R. 3200 It is the Bill, for Health care, everyone is in town hall meetings over.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
U.S. Senator Brownback is a Bigot and a Liar.
How can I back up this statement? I can show you his actions and the actions of those around him. The detainees have been held since 2002 at "Guantanamo Bay" with out being charged. During WWII the Japanese Americans were held in concentration camps. These were called, "War Relocation Camps". They housed 110,000 Japanese Nationals and Japanese Americans. Look at . I find it odd that President George Herbert Walker Bush was the youngest Fighter Pilot in WWII and he helped with these camps. Look him up at His son, President W Bush followed the run of concentration camps and started detaining in 2002. Look up "Guantanamo Bay", U.S. Senator backed "GITMO" as a U.S. Senator and now is abusing the campaign for the Governors Race to stabilize his Bigot Actions. He stated just the other day, "I acknowledge blacks were slaved, but I refuse to acknowledge re predations"! The Japanese were rep remanded because of what they looked like. Currently, GITMO doesn't house 1 white detainee. Also, out of all the terrorists acts since 9/11, not one attack has been named as a relation against America for the treatment of detainees at GITMO. The terrorist have never named these detainees as terrorist brethren. Brownback wants us to fear these detainees for where they are housed. He wants to use scare tactics to block Guantanamo Bay detainees from being moved. I ask, if Michael Vick had escaped Leavenworth Kansas, would anyone fear that he would rape them. How about killing them? NO!!! He was not charged with those things. He was in with rapist and killers at Leavenworth for 24 months. See him at He was not judged for the facility he was held in. Yet Brownback wants to spread fear about Leavenworth and the detainees. These detainees, again, have done what?? If transferred the truth will be exposed. Brownback will have to answer for breaching the Geneva Convention Rules. That is at Please see through his lies. Look past his Motives and Intentions and educate yourselves before the election. I hope this post shows why I feel Brownback is a Bigot and a Liar. So far, the Topeka Capitol Journal has refused to publish my views. I was denied access to my Blog Contributor Rights because they don't agree Brownback is a BIGOT. They gave him free press coverage during his stupid speech yesterday. He used it to pump up his bid for Governor. Read other views and comments at, and at Thanks again, Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
August 5th 2009, update. Go to
Thanks, Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
..August 18th, 2009 Update.
..I wrote a comment to the article, "Brownback, Roberts should end War Games". It is at under the WE Blog section. Click "HERE" to read the article and my comment.
**Update** January 25TH, 2010 8:17 am.
Read the links in the article link below:..
August 5th 2009, update. Go to
Thanks, Herbert West 3rd, Uncontested Democratic Candidate for Kansas Governor, 2010.
..August 18th, 2009 Update.
..I wrote a comment to the article, "Brownback, Roberts should end War Games". It is at under the WE Blog section. Click "HERE" to read the article and my comment.
**Update** January 25TH, 2010 8:17 am.
Read the links in the article link below:..
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